Charles Edward Krasny Ergen agaist AYATUNGAA wanted by interpol for child abuse (FRUSTRATED PARICIDE)

The document relates INTERPOL’s search for Ayatungaa Todruul how who accused of wanting killing her daughter.

Ayatungaa Todruul and her mother Solongo are both wanted by INTERPOL for crimes committed against Ayatungaa Todruul’s child. She met Charles Edward Krasny Ergen (ЭРГЭН) in the Philippines, where he has resided since 2011.

They had a daughter named Tergelsar (Тэргэлсар) Charles Edwards Krasny Ergen. Documents certify that Tergelsar was hospitalized by her mother in the Philippines.

Ayatungaa Todruul is accused of having committed physical abuse by throwing her 5 months old daughter Tergelsar Charles to the ground. The baby suffered from concussion and multiple injuries on different parts of her body which led her to intensive care. Ayatungaa has been unable to justify her innocence and fled willingly giving up all her rights to custody under Phillipines law.  Further she has a restraining order so cannot be within 2 kilometers of the child until she is 18.


Sources :
INTERPOL Todruul Ayatungaa :

If you have any informations please send a message to INTERPOL : http://www.interpol.int/fr/Forms/Wanted_persons/%28subject%29/Wanted

Greg K. Shultz:
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