Man-environment relationship should be considered as a control system in which every major elements needs to be analyzed. Chemical leaks and industrial accidents have a different set of relationships with the environment. This man-made ecosystem has been suggested to be replaced by control-system. To maintain stability within the system there is need o have proper controls in place before it is allowed to be functional. The same set of rules ought to apply to a smaller size control system like an industrial unit. In absence of proper planning the scale and complexity of these human controls become difficult to analyze.
Human culture is the primary factory in determining human response to disasters of own make. The patterns of industrial hazards reveal that they can be sudden, slow or may not respond to any definite onset pattern. Sometimes there are not even recognizable elements as in the case of Bhopal Gas Tragedy. It was so sudden, then spread slowly and no define pattern has been established so far because some of the pregnant mothers still suffer from debilitating effects of poisonous gases.
In the case of chemical leaks and industrial hazards the most vulnerable sections are women and children. It is because pregnant women and lactating mothers have negative biological response to certain chemicals.
*Eye exposure may damage eyesight temporarily or permanently.
*Skin exposure may cause skin cancer, irritation or other damage.
*Malfunction of immune system and its damage may increase future risks.
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