Cherie Blair: My Heart ‘Sank’ When Bush Won In 2000

Recently, some information has been extracted from the autobiography of Cherie Blair, who is the wife of former British Prime Minister Tony Blair. Currently, Gordon Brown is the UK’s current Prime Minister. In the extract from the autobiography, it would seem that she and her husband have interesting views towards current US President George W. Bush.

The autobiography titled “Speaking For Myself” is set to be released on Thursday, May 15. The first part extracted explains that Tony Blair was heartbroken when he heard the news of Bush defeating Gore for the US Presidency back in 2000. Cherie Blair said that both of them felt the heartache when the results were finalized.

Both Tony and Cherie Blair became close friends of then US President Bill Clinton and then First Lady Hillary Clinton. Currently, Senator Hillary Clinton of New York is still in the Democratic race as a co-frontrunner. However, it seems that Senator Barack Obama of Illinois will possibly be the eventual Democratic nominee.

However, Cherie Blair said that they soon became friends with President George W. Bush and First Lady Laura Bush. She said that George W. Bush as a pretty funny individual. He joked that the reason he gets negative press and publicity was because of his Texan accent.

But, the relationship with the Clintons is mentioned in the book. It would seem that Cherie Blair seems to have a close bond with Senator Hillary Clinton of New York. Clinton worked as a lawyer. Blair herself worked as a human rights lawyer. This is something that the two of them have in common.

Also, the status of the presidential race has generated a lot of buzz and excitement across the world. Britain was by no means an exception. It would not be surprising if Blair herself is supporting Clinton’s candidacy.

However, Clinton’s campaign has taken a devastating blow since May 6. Clinton barely defeated Obama by two points in Indiana. She was soundly defeated by Obama in North Carolina.

Now, Obama has received the endorsement from former North Carolina senator and two-time former Democratic hopeful John Edwards. In addition, Obama received an endorsement from the abortion rights group known as NARAL Pro-Choice America. As Obama receives two valuable endorsements, Clinton suffers more damaging blows to her campaign.

Perhaps Cherie Blair might feel her heart sink at the state of Clinton’s campaign.

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