The Nanjing Masscare was a mass carried out by Japanese soldiers during the capture of Nanjing on December 13, 1937, a few years before the start of World War II. A memorial will reopen in the city after it was renovated for two years. This hall details the atrocities carried out at the hands of the Japanese during that time.
This event has symbolized the Japanese aggression in China. The Nanjing Massacre took place after Japanese soldiers captured the city. They had continued with a massive act of violence afterwards.
While this event took place decades ago, many still have the memory fresh in their minds as it happened yesterday.
The memory survives due to China to be a guide to the future along with continued research into the atrocities at the hands of the Japanese troops. Recently, a new monument has been unveiled to mark an unknown incident during that time where 1,300 Chinese have died.
Due to a Japanese researcher persuading soldiers to tell their stories, this story had managed to see the light of day.
The memory of the Nanjing Massacre will continue to pass from one generation to another.
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