China scrambles fighter jets in response to latest U.S. military incursion of its Air Defense Zone

China launched advanced fighter jets in response to U.S. spy plane incursions over its air defense zone in the East China Sea on Friday – increasing the chances of war between the two nations. 

The Chinese military scrambled fighter jets on Friday in response to two U.S. spy planes and 10 Japanese aircraft, including F-15 fighter escorts, entering its new air defense zone over the East China Sea, state news agency Xinhua said, raising the potential of war with the United States.

The provocation also triggered the Chinese air force went on high alert for the second time in a week. Which is very serious!

Earlier last week the U.S. sent two B-52 long range strategic bombers into the airspace which U.S. officials confirmed on Friday in what many saw as a “reckless and provocative act” on the part of the U.S. military.

One that risked a potential of a military confrontation in the region.

See article: US intentionally violated Chinese Air Defense Zone with two b-52 long range strategic bombers https://groundreport.com/us-intentionally-violated-chinese-air-defense-zone-with-two-b-52-long-range-subsonic-strategic-bombers/).

It should be noted that B-52’s are capable of carrying nuclear weapons.

See video: B-52 Stratofortress: We Make Nightmares http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WT0J2qccUA4

“We decline to comment on Chinese flights, but the United States will continue to partner with our allies and operate in the area as normal,” a Pentagon spokesman said, according to a Reuters news report.

“Maybe an imminent conflict will be waged between China and Japan,” the Communist Party-run Global Times warned in an editorial on Friday, the same day the Chinese military launched aircraft to identify two U.S. spy planes and 10 Japanese fighter aircraft escorts (source: China scrambles military jets as tensions rise over new air defense zone http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/world/china-ups-the-rhetoric-in-air-zone-feud-with-japan/article15674241/).


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