In the second installment of her interview with Brian Williams on NBC Nightly News last night, Sarah Palin revealed that, although she believes William Ayers to be a "domestic terrorist," she would not give the same label to people who have bombed, and in some instances with deadly results, abortion providers in the United States.
“I don’t know if you’re going to use the word ‘terrorist’ there,” she said. “It’s unacceptable, and it would not be condoned, of course, on our watch. But if what you’re asking is if I regret referring to Bill Ayers as an unrepenting domestic terrorist, I don’t regret characterizing him as that.”
This statement puts Sarah Palin clearly in line with an extremist ideology as regards access to abortion in the United States. What is not commonly known but has been reported and confirmed is that Sarah Palin herself has participated in protests at an abortion clinic in Alaska.