coalition shades

The successful experiment of Chief minister Mayavati of Uttar Pradesh in welding a successful combination of the backwards and the upper castes has inspired several others too.Karnataka is going to the polls next month. While the major parties, and there are three, the Bharatiya janta party, the congress and the Janata dal -s are wooing thevoters with promise of sev eral goodies, the Bahujan samaj party and the samajwadi party, whose roots are in uttar pradesh are doint something else. They arefocusing on some seats where their victory chances are bright.the calculation runs like this. Given thepresent situation no major party could form a government on its own.So it is dependent on the splinter group support. Eventually the splinter group itself will become the force to reckon with.

That is why the shrewd tactician that he is , former prime minister devegowda has thrown the gauntlet. He says that no party could form a government without his support. and he is right. Because he has his pockets of support. And when numbers count, his party  has to be reckoned with.

The elections in Karnataka are important for another reason. On the outcome depends the natinal election. already Rahul Gandhi is projected as the future prime minister.If congress does well in Karnataka, The dynasty will get a boost. For Rahul has cultivated the image of a gogetter who has a heart for the poor and the downtrodden. and by mingling with tribals and the like, he is passing off as a man of  the masses.

M S Ramamurthy:
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