Cold or allergic against pollen?

The pollen season has just begun.

Many suffer without understanding that they are allergic.

Two-thirds receive inadequate or no treatment at all.

Many can be allergic to pollen without knowing it.Beacuse the symptoms are nearly the same if you have got a cold.

Adults who had been completely symptom free can develop an allergy.

Then it is often a viral disease that makes you become more susceptible.

Untreated pollen allergics can lead to asthma.

You may be allergic if;

-it beeps in the chest when you force

-your eyes itch and your nose is running in the spring

-you feel very tired.

Pollen allergics affects many people several months a year.

The reaction may differ from day to day,depending on how much pollen it is in the air.

Factors in both heritage and the environment are the underlying causes.

Of all those who have allergies in Sweden,are 40% allergic to pollen.

It is usually on the pollen from deciduous tress,mainly birch,al and hasel,grass and mugwort.

If you are allergic against pollen,you can also be hypersensitive to certain foods,so-called cross-sensitization.

Are you allergic against birch can you respond to apples,nuts,almonds and stone fruits (cherries,plums,peaches,kiwi,apricots and nectarines).

If you are allergic against mugwort,you may not tolerate celery,paprika and parsley.

It is not just your nose that is running,most often the whole body is affected.

You can become tired,irritable and many people have headches or difficult to concentrate on things.

Sven-Erik Sandal:
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