Combating the growing threat of terrorism in Russia is no easy fight

According to the Russian Ministry of Defense, “Terrorism has become part of day-to-day life and a relatively stable social phenomenon.”

According to the Russian Ministry of Defense, “Terrorism has become part of day-to-day life and a relatively stable social phenomenon.”

It poses, what the defense ministry calls a “growing threat to the security of many countries and their citizens, causes significant political, economic and moral damage, brings stress to lots of people and takes away lives, killing primarily civilians. Moreover, terrorist attacks are becoming more diverse and complex”, according to their website.

“In general, terrorism is a response to the continuous foot dragging in resolving burning social issues.”

“Combating terrorism in Russia includes 1) prevention, 2) identification, 3) suppression and 4) minimization of terror effects.

Counterterrorism operations are “special operations” intended to 1) suppress a terrorist attack, 2) secure civilians, 3) neutralize terrorists and 4) minimize the effects of the attack” (source: Combating Terrorismhttp://eng.mil.ru/en/mission/fight_against_terrorism.htm).

See video: Russian troops battle terrorists ЦСН ФСБ. Нальчик http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EqexoNjrJvQ&feature=related.

Armed Forces of the Russian Federation  fight terrorism under the auspices of the following legal documents:

Constitution of the Russian Federation, Federal Law “On the Fight against Terrorism”, international treaties, executive orders of the Russian President, resolutions and directives of the RF Government, as well as directives issued by the RF Minister of Defense, Chief of General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, commanders-in-chief of the Armed Services of the Russian Federation, commanders of the fighting arms and commanders of military district forces (fleets).

“As stipulated by Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 130-FZ of July 25, 1998 “On the Fight against Terrorism”, Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation shall interface with the other agencies involved in counterterrorism operations to address the following tasks:
1. Secure currently deployed weapons of mass destruction, missile fleet, small arms, ammunition and explosives;
2. Defend assets of the RF Ministry of Defense;
3. Secure national maritime traffic and the air space of the Russian Federation;
4. Conduct counterterrorism operations.”

Source: Combating terrorism http://eng.mil.ru/en/mission/fight_against_terrorism.htm

See video: Russian counter-terrorism operations in Dagestan http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=06ImNEECdPM&feature=relmfu

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