common signs of eyelids

For detecting some deseases of orbit and lids we have to know some signs of lids. it very helpful for eye practitioner , ophthalmologist and an optometrist. now i describe some common signs of lids .

1. Graefe’s sign : When the patient looks downward , the upper lids does not follow the movement of the globe is called graefe’s sign. It may be occur in ‘Graves Orbitopathy ‘( Thyroid deases)

2. Dalrymple’s sign : When the patient looks straight ahead, the retracted upper lid bares part of the sclera ( this may be physiological in infants ). We find this sign in–

                Parkinson’s deases

                Brane deases  etc.

                ‘Graves Orbitopathy ‘( Thyroid deases)


3. Stellwag’s sign : decresed frequency of blinking. we can find it in–


            ‘Graves Orbitopathy ‘( Thyroid deases)

               Parkinson’s deases 

4. Mobius sign : poor convergence

5. Rosenbach’s sign : Tremor of the closed lid.

6.Gifford’s sign : It is difficult to evert upper lid.

7. Joffroy’s sign : The normal physiologic contraction of the frontalis muscle when looking upward is absent.

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