Community Radio waiting for Government approval

It is expecting that Bangladesh is going to experience the entry of Community Radio in near future and the process is waiting for the Government approval.  Sources closed to the authorities mentioned that more than a hundred organizations are already been scrutinized by the information ministry to provide license of Community Radio. An information Ministry source said that 116 organizations have been listed for broadcast license as Community Radio. Information Ministry has forwarded the file to the Chief Advisors Office (CAO) for final approval, the source added.

Information Secretary Mr. Jamil Osman told that people of the country is very eager to see Community Radio in operation. 187 organizations, including NGO, applied for license. After scrutiny, technical committee recommended for 116 organizations, information secretary informed.

Mr. Osman also said that documents related to Community Radio have already been forwarded to CAO for final approval. After approval of Chief Advisor, next steps of licensing will be taken by the associated authorities.

Information Ministry source mentioned a meeting of the National Regulatory Committee on Setting of Community Radio, Broadcast & Operation, constituted by Information Ministry, held on July 15. The meeting recommended for 124 organizations. Information Secretary instructed technical committee for farther scrutiny and there after the committee recommended for 116 organizations. Government is keen to start the process of licensing within next six month, the source farther added. Presently the Government is involved in a process of developing a National Policy for Community Radio.

Another source of information ministry told, committee members are almost agreed that each Community Radio will be allocated a frequency of 70-kilometer radius. Committee agreed in principle that one broadcaster would be licensed for each 70-Km radius; if conflicts or overlapping arise; District quota policy would be followed by the authority.

After the approval of CAO, information ministry will sent the files to Home Ministry for security clearance and then these files will be forwarded to Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC) for frequency allocation. Once a particular frequency allocated by BTRC for any organization, the organization will be licensed as a legal broadcaster in Bangladesh. #    



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