A vigorous partisan anti-Tamil campaign is being waged by Delhi to save SL from its genocide crimes against the background of the impending UNHRC sessions in September. Replacing the Congress faces tainted by questionable association with the SL genocide crimes with new faces led by the de jure (not de facto PM Sonia) Indian PM Manmohan Singh, External Affairs Minister S M Krishna, Lok Sabha Speaker Meera Kumari, new and emerging TN Congress personalities like the Rajya Sabha member EMS Natchiappan (N’appan) to convince the Rajapakses of Delhi’s bona fides on blunting the brutal image of SL’s genocide and SL’s isolation. This move inevitably assumes a vicious anti-Tamil character encouraging SL into disregarding its genocide crimes and accelerate the pace of the SL genocide to completion and eliminate by ethnic cleansing all traces of Tamil homelands in SL.
SL is most isolated with most countries (except Libya’s Gaddafi, Islamic Iran, China and Russia) shunning any association with SL unlike Delhi that amorously courts SL conferring on it a status unworthy of a pariah state. Indian PM Singh immediately after SL’ Mullivaykal massacres of 40 000 Tamil civilians honoured Rajapakse with a distinguished guest status at the closing ceremonies of the scandal ridden Commonwealth Games. He readily accepts official visit invitations to Colombo but above most cruelly observes a stilled silence over the atrocious human rights record of SL since 2004. No other country except for mercenary regimes like China and Russia lavish courtesies as generous as Delhi does. What is SL’s quid pro quo?
Even Lok Sabha speaker Meera Kumari, a Sonia junta member invited members of the murderous SL parliament as honoured guests to the Lok Sabha’s sessions recently humiliating members of the Lok Sabha despite uproar compelling the suspension of the sitting of the Lok Sabha. This honourable speaker also altered the wordings of the resolution submitted by the Lok Sabha members from TN to stifle an informed debate on SL crimes against Tamils in SL. Shiv Shankar Menon’s hostile anti-Tamil commitments to Mahinda Rajapakse in Colombo in June 2011 as reported caused widespread anger across the Tamil world. Menon though in hiding is sneakily directing his anti-Tamil campaign using his loyal officials of his ex-fiefdom, the External Affairs ministry to incorporate anti-Tamil elements under-mining the incumbent S M Krishna’s Suo motu presentation to the Lok Sabha recently. The Sonia designated a Rajya Sabha member EMS Natchchiapan to organize Eelam Tamil parties/organizations to moderate their agenda principally not push for SL genocide crimes against SL and seek redress that avoids the need for amendments to the SL constitution. The Sonia Congress junta is grooming N’appan as replacement for the tainted TN Congress leader Thangabalu and Minister Chidambaram.
The developments that led to these Sonia junta’s moves are discussed in detail in ‘THE ‘COMPULSIONS’ OF SONIA’S ‘CAPRICE’ POLITICS CREATED DELHI’S DILEMNA OVER GENOCIDE CRIMES IN SRI LANKA’ and ‘THE LETHAL RAJAPAKSES ‘IN THE LOOP’ SRI LANKA WAR CRIMES WEAPON FORCES DELHI INTO SHIV SHANKAR MENON’S MEEK APPEASENT OF SRI LANKA’ in Groundreport of July and August 2011. These and more expose the diabolical keenness of the Sonia junta’s to save the Rajapakses and the Delhi junta itself from SL genocide crimes charges. This policy line is dragging India into a serious diplomatic and domestic political quagmire. The Indian public is most likely to reject decisively this line as TN did in the state elections in May 2011. The Indian public is seeing through the hollowness of the junta line overusing the China bogey to justify its policy of over appeasing SL and continuing to partner in SL’s continuing genocide against the Tamils. The key to SL’s military successes against the Tamils was Sonia junta’s substantial contribution far exceeding China’s support for SL’s war effort. Such Delhi over-appeasement nurtured a culture of obduracy in SL’s ruling circles that the Rajapakses rebuff all Delhi’s pleas on Rajiv’s 13 Amendment devolution pledge. Delhi had promised the world and the TN Tamilians to deliver on the 13 Amendment as the political solution to the Tamil problem. The callous Colombo rejection of Delhi’s pleas leaves India’s regional power status in tatters. The dramatis personae who dragged Delhi down this road to meet Sonia’s ‘personal caprice’ failed to anticipate and prevent the negative political fallout; evidence; Shiv Shankar Menon returned totally empty handed after his Colombo visit in June 2011. This was a total disaster deeply eroding Sonia’s political standing.
Sonia was forced to act to test out newer faces to salvage her standing politically. Sonia junta obligated to accommodate Rajapakses demands to put in place only those officials capable of stemming SL’s growing international isolation and clamour to bring SL genocide crimes before the international courts. CPI Raja directly attributes Sonia junta’s plight to SL blackmail. (readers may wonder what blackmail weapons does the Rajapakses have to leave Sonia Delhi junta so weak and meek). There is also a widespread perception that SL’s plants in key capitals (Delhi) and even the UN (Nambiar – SL’s quid pro quo is employment for his brother as SL military advisor) are failing to deliver on stemming the rising SL genocide crimes clamour. The tainted Shankar Menon and Chidambaram relegated to the background and replaced by a Krishna as Foreign Affairs Minister, a Meera Kumari, the Lok Sabha speaker and an appointed Rajya Sabha Congress member E M S Nachchiappan (a plant arranged by an Indian expert employed by Maharajah group in SL) appointed Sonia loyalist Congressman are Sonia junta’s designated new faces to present Delhi’s case to the international community to get India (as SL’s partners) and SL out of their genocide crimes charges. Yet The performance of these new faces failed to win accolades from either Colombo or the Sonia junta given the momentum of the SL genocide crimes issue that is about to come up before the UNHRC in September.  
There is too much in common in the approaches of both Krishna and N’appan. That the Rajapakses were able to dictate the contents of Krishna’s recent Suo motu statement to the Lok Sabha and with the speaker Meera Kumari’s complicity in changing the wordings of the motions for debate in the Lok Sabha. These can happen only in sovereign India where the Lok Sabha doubles up as the platform for the Rajapakses to highjack the debate on SL genocide crimes in favour of the genocide Rajapakses. Such symbolic gestures of Delhi weren’t good enough for the Rajapakses to erase away the Rajapakses’ human rights record! Krishna reputedly only reads from prepared texts and the Suo motu statement was no different. It turned out as a verbatim copy of SL’s oft repeated propaganda. Disgustingly it begins with an expression of sorrow for the SL aggressors (’suffering..the brunt of terrorism for nearly three decades’) even after Ban’s ‘expert panel’…report.. In fact the SL tragedy was six not three decades long and the victims were the Eelam Tamils; a travesty of facts. Either Krishna is totally ignorant of the truth about the SL genocide or Menon or his ex-subordinates in the External Affairs ministry duped Krishna into delivering a Collin Powel like WMD in Iraq presentation in the UN Assembly; it was Menon’s catalogue of SL untruths. However the blatant anti-Tamil partisanship of Krishna’s Lok Sabha statement hurt the TN Tamilians immensely. Menon’s ‘hard hearted’ prejudice is evident when the Suo motu omits any expression of sorrow for the hundreds of thousands killed (in Mullivaykal alone over 40 000) and a further 130 000 reported missing, brutal atrocities of SL armed forces to ethnic cleanse, SL destroying Tamil homes and livelihoods, and creating mass displacements (over 300 000 in one instance alone into Narayanan’s Menik farm internment camps) the rest driven out of SL to be gracefully accepted by the humane civilized world and successfully settled them in as refugees. This is in glaring contrast to the bulk of the 300 000 IDPs still awaiting over two years to return to their original homes and suffering inhuman hardships. The world acknowledges these extremely well documented SL’ atrocities; but Delhi located in the immediate neighborhood still prevaricates over condemning such heinous crimes. The Sonia junta (Menons/Krishnas/N’appans) face an awkward dilemma in denying totally SL atrocities and adopting the position that Delhi ‘saw no evil, heard (of any such) no evil and say (that there was) no (such) evil’ Leading analysts both Indians and others are flabbergasted by Delhi’s ‘stilled silence’.
CPI Raja is blunt, attributing Delhi’s measured silence to SL blackmailing the Sonia Delhi junta for their (‘in the loop’) partnering in SL genocide crimes. This truth is now in the public domain and Sonia junta cannot take cover behind its usual clichés; sovereignty, friendly/neighbor relations, geo-political/China compulsions amongst others.
Krishna’s Suo motu statement and the text of N’appan’s statement in the Rajya Sabha are mere re-iterations by the junta advocates defending Shankar Menon’s ‘in the loop’ role in the M’kal massacres to stall international action on SL genocide crimes washing the shores of India. Krishna/N’appan continues to appease SL to save the Sonia junta for this involvement in the SL genocide crimes. Menon’s/N’appan’s line that there was no genocide in SL (the Rajapakses line) is written into the Suo motu /N’appan’s Rajya Sabha statements and further described as SL’s (‘humanitarian’) policies to correct the hurt that the war against ‘terrorism’ caused to the Eelam Tamils. These statements effectively hijack Indo-SL policies away from SL’s genocide crimes and the core survival issue for Eelam Tamils into peripheral issues like the Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) caused by the very SL genocide which Sonia Delhi junta partnered. The irony is that Rajapakse compulsions require that the Sonia junta fund the resettlement of the IDPs that Sonia Delhi had a role in creating; in effect Delhi is paying for its own sins. Krishna/N’appan is more skeptical than the Rajapakses of the UN ‘expert panel’ report and Channel 4 ‘Killing Fields documentary. B Raman once claimed that reports in the Western media are conspiracies to destabilize SL an emerging ‘regional power’, carving out a policeman’s role as Israel has in the Middle-East. Indian arms intelligence, training and even funds went to fund SL as emerging military power in South Asia.
India’s own HEADLINES TODAY documentary of 30 August contradicts most of Krishna’s/N’appan’s Suo motu/Rajya Sabha statements that the entire IDPs have been settled into their own homes. For this Headlines Today uses ground testimonies on the actual plight of the bulk of the IDPs still awaiting to return to their homes not SL Defense ministry’s unverified dossiers channeled through Indian embassy offices in SL. Krishna/N’appan thus effectively double up as cogs in the Gothabhaya propaganda machine for readers to suspect that they are in fact SL ‘plants’ in Sonia junta. The SL plant in the UN Nambiar wasn’t suicidal to go this far. Krishna also praises the work that SL’s own LLRC war crimes investigation work, to pressure the TNA to hold talks with the Rajapakses to hold out to the international community and the UNHRC members that a reconciliation process is underway to redress Tamil grievances. No sooner he finished his Suo motu statement the talks with the TNA talks had broken down again and the Rajapakses acknowledging it and suggesting instead a Parliamentary Select Committee to deliberate on a political solution to the Tamil Eelam issue. These are contrived appearances to mislead the UNHRC members. In this effort SL’s ability to manipulate the Sonia junta to undertake measures to use the Lok Sabha as a Rajapakse propaganda vehicle to mislead the Indian public into accepting Delhi’s flirtation with the Rajapakses is amazing. Delhi and Colombo endeavours are to make a case against the SL genocide crimes initiatives during the September session of the UNHRC. Delhi’s move is sinister, anti-Tamil; to save criminals from facing the courts.
It is a pity that Krishna mis-used the august platform of the Lok Sabha to put on display without alteration the hypocrisy of SL’s blatant propaganda to derail the SL genocide issue in the September UNHRC Session. PM Manmohan Singh mourned Anna for undermining the supremacy of the Lok Sabha an august institution with his Gandhian fasts/agitations yet succumbs to blackmail to parlay the Rajapakse lies in the Lok Sabha using the SL plant Krishna to deliver Suo muto statement. This act testifies the base levels to which the Sonia Congress junta stoops to using institutions like the Lok Sabha, Rajya Sabha, the CBI, RAW and even the courts in India for its narrow political advantage. Are all these part of the acceptable ‘compulsion’ for Manmohan, Krishna and Sonia to woo SL away from China? Will this self-serving deceits of Sonia and her junta members be acceptable to Indians as a whole and for how long.? Evidence points that the Indian public cannot be fooled all the time.
The pain that Delhi Sonia junta shows for the Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) is abysmal when the IDPs were the product of the Delhi-Colombo genocide/ethnic cleansing joint venture. More than a year has passed since (June 2010) Delhi announced that it will build 50 000 homes for these IDPs. According to reports on the ground not a single Tamilian IDP is living in them. The IDPs are still languishing in transit camps and/or with relatives and not allowed back in their own shattered homes; an exemplary Krishna truth. This Sonia junta untruthful PR (public relations) exercise is so indifferent to the feelings of nearly 70 million including the TN Tamilians ‘who are better Indians than the self-serving Sonia’ and her closed junta group. The TN Tamilians hurt feelings resulted in the UPA with its devoted ally the DMK being decisively voted out in May this year.
Krishna had nothing more to add to assure the safety for Tamilian lives ‘other than usual rhetoric of listing out what India has done for the rehabilitation of Tamils – tractors, railway lines, harbours, stadiums, cultural centres amongst others not core survival issues including the human rights abuses. Delhi is bent on preventing UN expert panel report on war crimes being taken up during the UNHRC session in September and if it is taken up it should be ‘without endangering India’s relationship with Sri Lanka’. According to analysts the truth in Krishna’s speech is that its relationship with Tamils inside and outside of India has to be traded off and not endanger its relationship with Sri Lanka and this is the righteous course for Delhi to adopt.
SL forced Delhi to adhere to a stilled silence line when the most brutal atrocities on the Tamils were occurring when Delhi should have lent its voice against the SL genocide crimes. Delhi’s ‘stilled silence’ was forgotten to congratulate the Rajapakses for lifting the emergency recently, forgetting the ‘reign of terror’ that is ravaging the Tamil homelands. For the Tamils there are more ‘repressive anti-Tamil …laws that SL uses to terrorise the Tamils. To totally omit any reference to the atrocities of the SL armed forces and the intense military occupation in the Tamil areas Krishna the SL plant acts as a far more cruel Sinhalese than the average Sinhalese themselves. Now the Tamils are terrorized by the ‘grease devils’ that prowl in the nights to rape women. A Kusal Perera is more objective than Krishna in claiming ‘the government does not respect the constitution. Even if he announced an end to the state of emergency, Rajapakse will continue to rule as he has always done’. The Krishna crowd in the Sonia junta are packaging the wholesale murder of a people in Sri Lanka that it did not want – not as genocide but a   ‘liberation’ from terrorism as Delhi did in May 2009 UNHRC session. Will this line succeed in the UNHRC September 2011 sessions again despite the ‘expert panel’ report, the Killing Fields documentary and HEADINES TODAY documentary that many Indians were only able to view recently.
Should the UNHRC to fail this time in September 2011 it will be the saddest day for humanity especially the weak sections of humanity suffering ethnic cleansing and human rights abuses who repose trust in the UN and associated institutions to save them from extinction. These victims will be doomed for ever while genociders, SL and its partners Delhi, China, Russia and Gaddafi Libya rejoice over their triumph.
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