As the aforementioned event is organized in the capacity of response to the Western States, therefore it would be logical to compare it with 51st Munich security conference. The most striking disparity lies in the fact that Munich was visited by representatives of more than 40 states, including France, Great Britain, Finland, the USA etc. Agenda of the Munich conference embraced topical global security issues, pertaining to which there was elaborated a range of feasible solutions. Alternatively in Moscow Ministers of Defense will approach general security issues such as “prospects of international military cooperation in combating terrorism and role of military-political instruments in maintaining regional and global stability”. Certainly, the best decision for the participants would be to unite their efforts in order to overcome the major aggressor of the XXI century which besides tends to run a security conference much as paradoxically it sounds.
Obviously, global security conference in Moscow will have a pathetic propagandistic nature. Pursuing his will to look as good as his “western colleagues” Putin seems to be ready to fall back on incredibly preposterous methods, unveiling a sort of “lagging complex” that compels him to take less and less logical measures in his fruitless attempt to polish his image on the international scene.
Naturally, the role of participants of Moscow global security conference will be confined to reading pre-arranged reports and making the conference more animated. Under such conditions there are no objective reasons for official representatives of the invited state to stay in the capital of Russia on the 16-17th of April.