Conspiracy against Muslim world, now in Bangladesh?


I’m unhappily said to my Muslim brother please realize yourself. We never ever realize our condition. What’s happened in the Muslim world? You just think about Muslim country. You never find a stable Muslim country. Why? Because someone not wants Muslim country should stable. In Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Palestinian, everywhere Muslim bloodshed continue. Someone try to unstable Bangladesh. They start conspiracy against Bangladesh. USA band one of the groups in Bangladesh. But in Bangladesh they have no activity. So America starts conspiracy against our country. If we not alert now they take the scope. America is that’s country not support our independent. In our liberation war they help Pakistan. But we gain our independent sacrifice three million our citizen. So we Bangladeshi never ever fear anyone accept almighty Allah. So if anyone bad think about Bangladesh rethink about our country. We not spineless nation. So it’s not easy to do anything against Bangladesh. We saved our country any how. If we need we sacrifice all of our life save our country. Bangladesh will alive as a Muslim country unlimited time. So avoid conspiracy against Bangladesh for you’re saved. We like good manner and we return good behavior. But you try to dishonor us we never respect you. We not believe we have any big brother or big boss rather we believe every thing control by almighty Allah. So we request everyone every country super power or big power please doesn’t try to conspiracy against Bangladesh.



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