Constitutional Obligations

Most of the victims in kidnap for ransom cases once released by the abductors keep mum and do not reveal any thing about their experience, one such abducted and released alive bank manager had unveiled before his close friends that in captivity of abductors he was terrorized each day, his bearded abductors used to sharpen their long knives before him every day, one day he was told that Shura (advisory group) has decided to slaughter few captives and decision is implemented, now come along with us to see slaughtered persons, abducted manager says that he told them straight away that he is Muslim and can not appreciate such practices and do not want to see the dead bodies of slaughtered people. The abducted bank manager was also exposed to arm depot of abductors where huge stock of sophisticated arms and ammunition was kept; the manager was told that ransom money is consumed in buying weapons. The said bank manager was abducted from Tull Tehsil of Hangu.


Abducted ANP Finance Secretary Salamat Khan Orakzai was released by his abductors on 12th of January 2009, but now he is not available to tell his story, and keeping mum even before his friends. He was abducted near Nakbund area of Kohat district of NWFP Pakistan.


In Pakistan constitutional guarantees regarding right of life and freedom of expression does exist but our constitution is a modern document existing in a primitive society, our leadership in the past have failed to understand that it has to fulfill its constitutional obligations regarding fundamental rights of the people of Pakistan, in absence of independent judiciary, rule of law, effective social security network able to provide relief to jobless people in shape of unemployment allowance from government exchequer, people of Pakistan are now exposed to extreme hardships, terrorist organizations are flourishing in presence of unemployed men power, despite of relentless efforts of Pakistan security forces to eliminate terrorists, the number and activities of terrorist forces are at increase.


Professor Ijaz Khan of Peshawar university, in VOA Urdu talk show had unveiled that Swat district is now fallen to the terrorists, in Peshawar and Murdan off and on explosions aerial firings and rocket attacks have become a common phenomena and people are now getting used to it. Chechan, Uzbuk, and Arab militants while joining hands with locals are promoting terrorist activities in Swat.


President Asif Ali Zardari and Prime Minister Syed Yousuf Raza Gailani during Musharaf era were imprisoned and were exposed to hardships, they were confined in jail for long period of time without fair and free trial in independent court of law, what was happened to them was unjust and unfair, millions in Pakistan are facing hardships in one form or another in presence of unjust and unfair system of governance, in days of Musharaf it was a big risk for an analyst to compare Pakistan’s existing system of governance with USA or great Britain where people are enjoying real democratic system, equipped with just and fair laws and independent judiciary along with effective and unbiased bureaucracy willing to implement decisions of democratically elected rulers.  In one of his press conferences he had categorically abstained journalists from doing comparative studies.


Extremism emanates from unjust and unfair system of governance, geographical factors also contribute towards it, unstable Afghanistan heaven of warlords, and freedom struggle in Indian held Kashmir are few factors, which had also contributed towards current sorry state of affairs in Pakistan. President Asif Ali Zardari and Prime Minister Gailani both can make history by fulfilling their constitutional obligations regarding fundamental rights of their people thus can also eliminate popular support for terrorist organizations.


Submitted by


Abdur Raziq

Note: This article of mine was also published on http://raziq1.blogspot.com and on allvoices.com

Abdur Raziq: My qualification is M.phil US Study (International Relation-History), since long I am contributing to Pakistan's English dailies. In 1988 I came to USA to study US Election Campaign, was awarded with Honorary Citizenship of Lincoln Nebraska USA, I had delivered lectures on US, British and Pakistan's constitution in a law college for seven years, have worked as Principal of a college of education for three years, have worked in International Organization for Migration as Asisstant Voter Education Officer during Afghan Presidential elections, have also worked as Researcher and Provincial Coordinator in Governance Institutions Network International Islamabad Pakistan. I am also a regular contributor to Associated Press of Pakistan, and AFP.
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