An area manager was cheated of more than Rs 36,000 when fraudsters bought air tickets over the internet using his credit card. Mr N. Hanumanthu, a resident of Gowliguda in Old City, works with Visakha Industries. He has never used his credit card for online transactions or divulged his card details. He complained that he lost the money when fraudsters allegedly bought Air Deccan tickets online on May 6, amounting to Rs 12,660, and twice on May 7 for Rs 14,798 and Rs 9,490.
The fraudsters allegedly made another transaction of Rs.6,700 from a travel site on May 6, but that was reverted by ICICI Bank whose credit card Mr Hanumanthu holds.
"All the tickets were bought on Air Deccan flights by the fraudsters, who made the transactions after my billing date. I was out of town when the transactions were made. A representative of the bank came to my office after the illegal transactions were made to inform me about them. I lodged a complaint with the police on my return on May 24 and also registered a dispute with the bank," Mr Hanumanthu told .
The bank authorities are also shocked with the incident as fraudsters either swindle money through the internet, whereby they secure the credit card details of a customer by posting pseudo websites of banks or take information from the gullible credit card customers themselves.
"If one knows the CVV and credit card number, it is enough to make an online transaction. We are suspecting that is what happened in this case. Anyway, we are conducting an investigation to find out what transpired," said an ICICI official. Mr Hanumanthu, who is dazed by the fraud, maintains that he did not share his credit card details with anyone. "I hold credit cards of different banks and I am aware that details should not be shared. What is shocking is that the fraudsters provided my correct residential address and date of birth for booking the air tickets," Mr Hanumanthu said.
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