The Thesaurus was probably the most intelligent creature of the Cretaceous Period. A recent fossil find showed that this dinosaur had a well-developed voice box, which would have allowed it to produce a wide-range of sounds. The Thesaurus could have uttered many different noises to express the same emotions such as happiness, sadness, and tiredness.
The Thesaurus was quite a small dinosaur and would have to have been lithe, agile, athletic, supple, speedy, cunning, sly, clever, sneaky, quick, and rapid to have survived amongst the large carnivores of the time.
Dr Roget, who discovered the fossil, indicated that the discovery was astounding, astonishing, awesome, dazzling, marvellous, surprising, stupefying, startling, and stunning.
The remains, bones, skull, skeleton, and ribs of the Thesaurus will go on display at the local library next to the dictionaries, atlases, gazetters, newspapers, magazines, and pamphlets in the reference section.
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