It’s Crunch Time: Ways to Save and Increase Your Wedding Budget

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Weddings can be expensive. The average wedding in the US costs a couple about $26,000. Unless you have a nice savings account or parents that are willing to foot the entire bill for you, it’s probably a good idea to start finding ways to save now. After the romance of the engagement is over, you need to sit down with your groom-to-be and have a conversation about what’s important in the wedding budget and how you’re going to start saving for the big day.

Around the House

Whether you live with your fiancé or you live alone, cutting costs around the house can go a long way towards helping you reach your wedding budget goals. Here are some ways to save at home:

1.  Switch Energy Providers – If your heating and electric bill are through the roof, it may be time for a switch. Thanks to deregulation in the energy market, consumers in the US and Canada are offered competitive rates on energy costs. You’ll need to look for an energy rate comparison site for your state. For instance, if you live in Texas you would simply look for Texas electric rates to find service providers in that area with affordable rates

2.  Ditch the Cable – Cable packages can cost an upwards of $99 per month. When you really factor how much time you spend at home watching the television or using the Wi-Fi connection, many times it’s not worth the rate you’re paying. Cutting cable services and using streaming services or free platforms to watch your favorite shows and movies will save you quite a bit each month.

3.  Downsize – If you and your fiancé intend to get a bigger home once you get married then you can downsize for the time being. Moving into a home together, renting a small apartment, or even staying at your parents’ house over the next few months can save you a boatload of cash on cost of living expenses.

On the Go

When you’re not at home, chances are you’re in the office, running errands, or out enjoying yourself. All of these things, of course, cost money which can dip into your wedding budget. Here are some ways to save while you’re out.

1.  Never Leave Home Hungry – Whether you’re headed to the office, grocery store, or out with friends, it is important that you eat something before you leave. Eating out can really dip into your funds so having something on your tummy ahead of time prevents the need to stop and grab a bite. Even if you intend to go out and eat, having something before you go will mean you’ll eat less while you’re out.

2.  Use Coupons – There is a coupon for just about anything you can think of. From a few pennies off a grocery item to several dollars off an entertaining activity, there are discounts out there you should be taking advantage of. Over the next few months, a good rule of thumb to keep in mind is if it doesn’t have a coupon you won’t buy it. Buy things and participate in activities that are at a discount so that you don’t spend unnecessarily.

3.  Pay with Cash – When paying for items, try to use cash. This will serve a dual purpose. First, it will minimize the need to use credit which will cost you more to repay. Second, it will allow you to get change which you can store in a piggy bank. You’ll be surprised how a few pennies here and there can add up over the course of a few months.

Monetary Gifts

From the time you announce your engagement up until the time you’re ready to start planning a wedding budget, ask your family members for monetary gifts only. Whether it’s your birthday, the holidays, or some other special occasion, asking for cash in lieu of gifts will help you save for your wedding in no time.

Hopefully, these tips will put you one step closer to having the wedding of your dreams. If you’re nearing your timeline to start planning your wedding but still don’t have the budget you need, there are plenty of ways that you can save on your wedding and splurge on the things that mean the most to you.

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