Cuil – Move over Google?

Started by ex-Google employees today’s "cuil.com" competes with the search engine giant and claims to even outdo it.

Cuil, pronounced as ‘cool’, boasts of a search index that spans 120 billion web pages.

Before they started their search engine, the inventors of Cuil received 33 billion dollars  startup capital from investors.

The site’s interface is different from Google: instead of a vertical stack of results, in cuil reults are displayed in two or three columns, accompanied by photos.

Cuil.com also has a further ‘filter by category’ feature once you search for a broader keyword like travel or money etc.

And yes, to protect privacy, Cuil will not be retaining information about a user’s search history or surfing patterns.

The management at cuil includes Tom Costello and Anna Patterson who each have PhD in Computer Science, from Stanford University and Illinios University respectively.They also have had their share of search engine experience at IBM and Google.

Ramanujam U: Hi I am Ramanujam, Completed Graduation in Electronics and Communications Engineering.
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