After almost a year and a half of B 737-3Q8 Adam Air crash suddenly, the CVR(Cockpit Voice Recorder) realesed on the internet. The problem shown that the released wasn’t by the Indonesia flight Authority. The conversation few minutes before the aircraft crash should be classified. After the released, one personnel members of Indonesia flight authority(KNKT) has ever lossed his/her computer recently. The Personnel said that there is an imitation voice recording of the cockpit inside. The investigation has took place up to now.
Many speculation show up. Indonesia flight authority denied the voice was real. Meanwhile both Pilot and Co-pilot family said that the voices is their beloved family in the aircraft crash. There are pro and contra about the cockpit real voice. According to the preliminary investigation report from CVR which examined by flight investigation labroratory in US the voice heard very similar. The only difference was languages. The investigation report wrote down in English but the conversation in the cockpit both English, Indonesia and little bit Java languages.
The Adam Air B 737-3Q8 investigation crash can be read here. They still blaming maintenance far from standard also cause the incident. Pilot and Co-pilot skill availability in responding to situation was inadequate.
here is the tape(play/download)
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