Categories: World

Cybertecture Egg Building Planned for Mumbai

 Mumbai will soon be the home of a one-of-a-kind building when James Law Cybertecture completes the futuristic looking, egg shaped Vijay Associate office building.

The Cybertecture Egg will be the first office building with the shape of an egg. Computer models show the orientation of the egg at about 30 degrees from flat. Some of the features include a garden on the top floor of the building and solar and wind energy generators to power the building.

The Cybertecture Egg will have 13 floors with 32,000 sq. meters of office space and, because of its design, will have 30 meters of columnless floor space. It is scheduled for completion in 2010.

Source: http://www.worldarchitecturenews.com/index.php?fuseaction=wanappln.projectview&upload_id=2361

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