Defense Department to invest in underwater drones, sea mines, high speed strike weapons, laser and rail gun technologies in FY 2016

We must find innovative ways to employ new technologies and reject those that don’t provide a competitive advantage while developing new ways of operating that impose strategy-constricting costs on our adversaries”, says Works. Pictured here: Artist vision of US Navy Aircraft carrier engaging threats with laser technologies.

On March 17, 2015 Deputy Secretary of Defense Bob Work gave a speech at  the Credit Suisse Defense Conference  in Washington, D.C.,  in which he mention the fact that the Pentagon is investing in what he calls “potentially game changing new technologies.”

Bob Works even went so far as to name some of them.

By implication these weapons could change the way we fight wars in the future.

These technologies include everything from drones to laser and laser weapons.

Here is exactly what he said in this regard:

“The FY 2016 budget submission also invests in some fantastic, potentially game changing new technologies that we can more quickly get into the force, as well as longer-range research efforts.  For example, over the FYDP we’re investing:

  • $149 million in unmanned undersea vehicles;
  • $77 million in advanced sea mines;
  • $473 million in high speed strike weapons;
  • $706 million in rail gun weapons;
  • $239 million in high energy lasers; and
  • A new Aerospace Innovation Initiative to develop a wide range of advanced aeronautical capabilities to maintain our air dominance. “

In relevant comments he says this:

“Another big area is the electromagnetic spectrum.  Electronic Warfare (EW) is often regarded as a combat enabler, but more and more it is at the actual forefront of any conflict.  Moreover, compared to the platforms we put the EW suite on, it is a relatively small investment, but it has the potential to have a very high payoff.”

Source: DoD



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