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President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono gives a press conference at the Halim Perdanakusuma Airport in East Jakarta, Tuesday (5 / 10). President Yudhoyono decided to delay State visit to the Netherlands because it offended a matter of pride Indonesian nation after monitoring the developments in The Hague, Netherlands, related to filing of claims by several parties including the Republic of South Maluku (RMS) to the Court about the problems of human rights in Indonesia, which also demanded the arrest of President of Indonesia.

President abruptly canceled his visit to the Netherlands, one of whose schedule will receive the Dutch recognition of Indonesian independence on August 17, 1945. The reason, for our national dignity.
Here is the full statement which was read at SBY VVIP room Halim Perdanakusumah air base in East Jakarta, Tuesday (5 / 10).
"The visit to the Dutch state this is one that is planned from the outset. Already since 2007 pending the year is expected to be implemented. There are various concrete agenda that will be held there. Education, economics, agriculture and many more that are beneficial to the state.
But even in the final hours before I departed, there was the situation in the Netherlands that require me to take the attitudes and decisions for our sake.
In the last days there occurred movement in The Hague that essentially apply to Den Haag court of human rights issues and demanded that the President was arrested. That lawsuit is on behalf of the Dutch citizen as RMS.


For me if there is then there’s the head of state visited the demonstration, that it could. There is a security threat, it is also common. There are regular demonstrations. It should not be retroactive, the event should continue to run.
But that should not be I have received, at the time the President is in the Netherlands at the invitation of the Queen and Prime Minister Holland, at that time asked the court held the arrest of the President. It is related to the RMS, but if I stay in the Netherlands it will cause psychological atmosphere that is not good.
I do not want to be when the relationship 2 countries is increasing, the psychological atmosphere disturbed. This is related to national pride.
I will delay this visit. I immediately wrote a letter to Prime Minister Netherlands for everything became clear to the people of Indonesia.
I know the court is a court. But this is nothing unusual. I hope this visit will not be disturbed so that it becomes counterproductive. "




SBY Cancel to Holland because Demands RMS at Hague Court
President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) canceled a visit to the Netherlands. SBY cancellation because of the demands of an organization calling itself the RMS demanding the arrest of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono at the Court in Den Haag, Netherlands.
"But I have to say on the final days before the troupe left for me there are developments in the Dutch situation that requires me to take a stand and make a decision that certainly in the interest of us," said SBY.




It was mentioned by Yudhoyono at Halim Perdanakusumah Airport in East Jakarta, Tuesday (5 / 10). SBY wearing a dark suit, accompanied by the ministers dressed alike.
"The last days there is some movement in Den Haag which symptoms exist which filed a lawsuit to the court in Den Haag to discuss human rights issues in Indonesia and even ask the court to arrest the President of Indonesia during a visit to the Netherlands," said SBY.
Organizations that demand in Den Haag Court was calling itself the Republic of South Maluku (RMS).
On Saturday, October 2, AFP reported that the Government of the Republic of South Maluku (RMS) in exile called for President Yudhoyono of Indonesia was arrested during a state visit to the Netherlands next week.




Demands the arrest was delivered via kort geding (accelerated procedure) to the court, according to President John Wattilete RMS who is also an advocate in a statement on NOS public television Teletext on Saturday.




Furthermore, Wattilete ask the Prime Minister (outgoing) JP Balkenende appealed for President in order to end what he describes as the imprisonment and torture of the followers of the RMS. Mentioned that currently there are 1990 followers in Maluku RMS imprisoned.
Wattilete also want the President to explain where the former president of RMS Soumokil buried.
Based on the record, the RMS separatist movement was crushed by the military in 1952, two years after the RMS was proclaimed by Dr. Christiaan Robert Steven Soumokil on 04/25/1950. Soumokil guerrillas escaped and went on until finally arrested in 1962 and four years later he was executed.
Maneuver RMS government in exile is a signal for Jakarta and Den Haag, for the events that marred the president’s visit Suharto in 1970 not repeated. When the RMS in action, occupying the Wisma Duta RI and all its inhabitants hostage. One person was reported killed. 


SBY Cancel to Holland because of the Nation Regarding Self-Esteem
President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) abruptly canceled a visit to the Netherlands that actually will be a historic visit. The decision was taken because SBY can not accept because when a state visit, at Den Haag tribunal will be held that one of them will decide to arrest him.
"It’s about our pride as a nation," said SBY. SBY wearing a black suit who was accompanied by his aides dressed in matching.




The cancellation of this trip was decided at the last minute due to fly to the Netherlands prior preparation has been done.

Palace officials suddenly remove all purposes SBY already stored in the Palace, including the suit says Republic Indonesia-1. Presidential vehicle which was originally brought to Halim SBY, is also preparing to bring SBY back went to the Palace. This scene makes speculation SBY off to the Netherlands broke out, and became apparent after Yudhoyono answer it through speeches without questioning.




Yudhoyono said he would send a letter to the Dutch Prime Minister about this cancellation. "Until the situation clear because our intention to enhance cooperation," Yudhoyono said with a serious face.
Yudhoyono said the trial would interfere with Indonesian-Dutch relations are good. "(It’s) counterproductive considering our cooperation and the Netherlands continued to increase, but we will see progress," said SBY.
SBY to cancel his visit to the Netherlands because of the development situation in the Netherlands who harass him. Yudhoyono said when he visited in the Netherlands, there will be a court that one of them will decide for the President were arrested during a visit in the Netherlands.
According to SBY, the court questioned the human rights in Indonesia. Claims filed by several parties including the RMS.




A planned visit has been planned since 2007. And this year, the agenda of the visit to the Netherlands this has indeed been entered into the list of President Yudhoyono to visit abroad.
As reported by AFP, kort geding (accelerated procedure-ed) a request to arrest the President entered into Den Haag Court yesterday, a day before the arrival of the president.
John Wattilete of RMS believes that the court will issue a decision before or during the visit of president of Indonesia is still in progress, such as ANP reported on Monday (4 / 10).
Information obtained by AFP, the president’s visit will also be used RMS to draw attention by holding a demonstration in the square Malieveld, Den Haag, on Thursday (7 / 10).




Cancel SBY to the Netherlands, Prof. Hikmahanto Foreign Ministry Performance Question
President Yudhoyono postponed his state visit to the Netherlands in the last minute. This delay raises questions about the performance of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
"Head of State is clear in international law, he would get immunity or immunity during a visit to another country. It all has to Halim (Halim Perdanakusumah air base), how this communication our Ministry of Foreign Affairs with the Dutch, "said international law Hikmahanto Juwana observer told AFP on Tuesday (5 / 10).
According to him, delaying the departure at the last minute as the action slap yourself. The Indonesian government embarrassment, while the Dutch government also questioned why Indonesia does not believe the security they provide.
"If SBY says delay on the previous day was not a problem, well this is really last minute. If the reason for the court lawsuit RMS, this is too small. Moreover, he is the ordinary courts. If you want to delay why not from yesterday, "the professor of this  Indonesian University
Are these delays do hurt relations between the two countries? "I think it is not up to it. But the problem here so how is the administration of the Palace, Foreign Ministry. Foreign Ministry should be serious work then, "said Hikmahanto.
He added that the official notification delay in the arrival of the Indonesian government must immediately be submitted to the Dutch government. The reasons given must be completely logical, not making it, so it will not be laughed at in other countries.
"Obama (President Barack Obama) also canceled several times to Indonesia, but that’s because work at home and not done in the last minute," explained Hikmahanto.
SBY ‘So for the Dutch Government Forms of Protest
The attitude of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY), who canceled his visit to the Netherlands is considered to be appropriate. Assertion may also imply protest to the Dutch government that seemed to let the vandals disrupt the RI-Dutch relations.
"It’s embarrassing Indonesia, not only of President SBY. So this cancellation a form of protest to the Dutch, "said foreign affairs analyst of The Habibie Center Hasjim Djalal while talking to AFP on Tuesday (5 / 10).
However Hasjim not agree if the Indonesian Ambassador to the Netherlands attractive JE Habibie. That, according to Hasjim, will be making diplomatic relations between the two countries just getting worse.
"Right now I think not need ya, that’s enough cancellation. Should the Netherlands could be with this president’s decision. Let’s wait, "said Hasjim.
Hasjim said, with this event, the aggrieved are the two countries. Meanwhile, the parties who file complaints about human rights in The Hague is the RMS, laughing triumphantly.
"The loss of Dutch and Indonesian yes, the vandals are laughing. Therefore it should not become a bad relationship. Indonesia must question, why the Dutch let the vandals that? "Asked Hasjim.

Chairman of Commission I: SBY Cancel the Right Netherlands
President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) to cancel a visit to the Netherlands for reasons of national pride, particularly with respect to the RMS. Chairman of Commission I Mahfudz Siddiq judge’s decision was appropriate.
"I support Mr. Yudhoyono tough decision to cancel the visit of the Netherlands. That’s right, "said Chairman of Commission I, Mahfudz Siddiq, when met reporters at the Parliament Building, Senayan, Jakarta, Tuesday (5 / 10).
According to him, SBY worries rather than on security issues during the country’s windmills. However, there are issues of national pride that wager in this case.
"Imagine, a head of state will visit but at the same time there is accommodation to the RMS in a Dutch court," said MCC politicians this.
For Mahfudz, there should be no country that protects the kind of RMS separatist movement, including the Netherlands, a country that has historically history with Indonesia.
"It should be no disturbing NKRI for whatever reason," said Mahfudz.
With this cancellation, advanced Mahfudz, there will be a stronger political effect for Indonesia in international eyes. The Netherlands will capture the impression that the Indonesian government serious about separatist movements.
"There should not be any country that provides space for the RMS, including the Netherlands," he said.
Is this visit will affect the Indonesia-Netherlands relations? "No way. Obama only up to three times ngebatalin we is not no problem right?, "Said Mahfudz.
If the Assembly lawsuit RMS Not Accelerated, SBY Never Cancel the Netherlands
The government immediately sent a letter to the Dutch government related to the cancellation of the visit of President Yudhoyono to the country’s windmills. Government asks court of human rights issues that are listed by the RMS were completed first, the visit will be rescheduled.




"The problem is (the human rights court) were completed first and we will reschedule," said Presidential spokesman Julian Aldrin Pasha Halim Perdanakusumah Airport in East Jakarta, Tuesday (5 / 10).
Julian describes the materials that will be sent a letter to the Prime Minister of the Netherlands that would explain that the relationship between the two countries remain good.
"We understand this issue beyond the authority of the Dutch government. Because the court in the Netherlands does have independence, "he said.
Julian explained that Den Haag Court granted the request to accelerate the implementation of the court, that court will be heard on a few hours.
"The trial accelerated implementation, which coincided with the visit of the President in the Netherlands," he said.
Julian stated that if the court had postponed its implementation until the President returned to the country then there would be no problem. He explained that if this court is not the International Court of Justice, but the District Court of Den Haag.
"It’s not a rally. If the protest is not a problem, it is something normal, "he said.
Julian said the Netherlands has provided guarantees immunity to state guests, including President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. But the court process would be strongly associated with national pride.
"Indeed there will be no President was arrested. But the problem is the impact of court decisions that will strongly associated with national pride. The period during President there continues to be preached that the President should be arrested, "he said.




Muhammad Ihsan: My Adress : Mahad Al Zaytun Desa Mekarjaya,Gantar, Indramayu, Jawa Barat, Indonesia.
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