OK. At the risk of turning off many of my Democratic friends, I’ll say it. Though I would not have been really happy, I could have lived with John McCain and a McCain administration. I had seen McCain on “The Daily Show” a number of times and watched him with Jon Stewart. He was a likeable guy who had shown some degree of independence from “W” and his policies, although I did have a problem with his support for the war and for the “surge” (a new name for reinforcements) When considering all those competing for the Republican nomination, I favored McCain above Giuliani, or Romney, or Huckabee (the funniest of the group – who I actually enjoy watching from time to time – even though I disagree with 99% of his positions) or any of the others who were there at the beginning. I felt that, in the event we blew it again, like we did in 2000, or in ’04, we would be able to survive a McCain administration.
That changed with the selection of the “Barbie doll” from the north country, a decision for which the rational members of the GOP will be kicking themselves for the next four, or perhaps eight years. That selection even caused me to open my wallet again, something I vowed I would not do, and even though it has been a tight year financially, I kicked in a little more to the DNC, hoping that even my paltry contribution would help the cause.
What I am trying to say is that we – the Democrats – owe McCain a lot. I truly believe there are many others out there who are like me – folks who could have tolerated a McCain victory, but who would have contemplated a rapid emigration to Canada, or New Zealand, or Pago Pago, in the event of a McCain/Palin win. She many have energized the McCain campaign for awhile, but she super-energized the Obama army by scaring the hell out of us, not just by what she said and did, but because of the people who followed her like dumb puppy dogs, buying her glasses, dressing like her, changing their hair styles, hanging on her every word, and cheering her negative, often hate-filled message. Frankly, Sarah’s minions frighten me almost as much as she.
I have read a lot about Sarah Palin. I have studied her and listened to her. I have spoken to those who support her and those who can’t stand her. I have analyzed her record and her speeches, her philosophies and her beliefs. I have come away with the opinion that Jack Cafferty on CNN may have understated the truth when he called her a “five star idiot.” I think she’s worse. I truly believe that she is dangerous, and if the worst happened – a McCain victory and an untimely McCain death – I would truly be afraid for this country we love, for the future of our best programs, our civil liberties and rights, separation of church and state, our position in the world, our economy, our natural resources, our environment, and anything and everything many of us hold dear. My great fear is that she is just not even close to being smart enough to be V.P or President. And my greatest fear is that she is not smart enough to realize that. People who will not, or cannot, admit their weaknesses, especially when that weakness is lack of intelligence, should never – I repeat – never, be allowed to assume positions of power, especially when the particular position to which he/she aspires can destroy the world.
I am not alone. I am one of many who were transformed from supporter and Obama voter to Obama fanatic by the selection of this woman. And for that – thank you John McCain.
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