Denmark’s Muslim Community Protests Over Cartoon Reprinting

The cartoon was one of many of the Prophet Mohammad, the founder of Islam. These cartoons were originally printed out and circulated throughout newspapers across Denmark back in 2005. Backlash in the form of violent protests followed soon after those cartoons were made public.

This cartoon that was reprinted showed Mohammad keeping a bomb in his turban. It was decided by all of Denmark’s newspaper publishers that the cartoon would be republished because Danish intelligence has discovered a plot to kill one of the cartoonists that had a hand in this.

As a result of the reprinting, many Muslims demonstrated throughout the streets of Copenhagen. Many of the protesters present carried the flags of the radical Islamic party known as the Hizb ut-Tahrir.

Muslims from all backgrounds throughout Denmark have expressed anger that one of those cartoons was reprinted again. They explain that they did not understand the motive or the reasoning behind the action to reprint the cartoon unless if it was a hatred towards the Islamic faith.

Denmark’s Muslim community did not point fingers at the Danish people. They said that they were generally liberal about many things including the Islamic faith. Instead, the community had placed blame on the media such as the major newspaper publishers for making things worse by reprinting that cartoon.

The Muslim community said that instead of trying to mend relations, the newspapers caused more trouble and controversy by reprinting the cartoon.

The plot was uncovered on Tuesday where three Muslims plotted to kill one of the cartoonists. Two of them were not citizens of Denmark. Instead of being placed on trial in a court in Denmark, the two of them will be expelled to Tunisia.

On a side note, the radical Islamic group has called for a caliphate to be created.

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