Destined Universal vs. Baz Bendell: The End of an Endorsement

Rumors are starting to unfurl once again for media magnate Baz Bendell and musical protege Destined Universal this week after Bendell failed to release Universal’s debut single "LoveLife," stated to be released on January 31st (which is also Bendell’s birthday).

For the last month and a half, Destined spent most of his time promoting the release of his single through social networks sites and interviews. The single was supposed to be released "exclusively via Bazaar Daily News." However, on the day of the release, there was no single posted. Instead, BDN posted the leaking of Universal’s unfinished and former single, "Luv U Betta." Destined took to Twitter to explain the hold-up:

"Ugh. Seems like my single is having technical difficulties being uploaded to BDN…"

This all makes us wonder: Has Bendell dropped Universal’s endorsement & therefore ceased further promotion? Before we jump to conclusions, lets look at the bigger picture:

1.) Neither Bendell nor the rest of Bazaar Media Group, Inc. promoted or mentioned the release of Universal’s single in the weeks/days leading up to the reserved date.

2.) Tweets between Universal and Bendell have stopped almost all together.

3.) During Bendell’s disappearance, Destined has not mentioned the blogger, nor has expressed his concern.

Back in December 2011, the two were rumored to be in romantic involvement. Both parties quickly denied the allegations, but the recent dissolvement of promotion from Bendell, paired with Universal’s failure of acknowledgement nor concern, makes one question: Is this the end of a business partnership or a "lovers quarry?"

Despite the lack of Bendell’s promotion, Destined Universal released "LoveLife" via Soundcloud.com and has already been receiving high praises. "LoveLife" is scheduled to hit the airwaves next week and available for download on iTunes and all other major digital markets this Valentine’s Day.

Universal will also be performing on February 16th, 2012 at 10:00pm at Bar East on 1733 1st Avenue (between 89th and 90th Streets) in New York City in promotion of his new single.

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