

If someone deviated from sinful habit to repentance, it is called reformation. But if someone is clean – without stain on his/her hands – and deviated towards foolishness, it is called damaged behavior. This kind of consciousness can be seen in any direction where society is situated. This part of consciousness of man has different reasons why it happens to anybody.

Human is prone to errors, mistakes or sins which can be identified as unintentional and intentional. Unintentional maybe refer to as honest mistakes or accidental and rarely committed by someone who has credibility and positive mindset. In this regard, atonement or mending ways is an easy thing to do.

While on the other hand, intentional is a deliberate action to cause harm, injury or damage to others or to the one itself. This is part of the human consciousness that has appalling effect which is precisely unconquerable to some extent.  The notion maybe traced to egotism, selfishness, greed, malcontent and wickedness. Thus, the word repentance or atonement is out of the question. Wickedness overwhelmed goodness and the ability to reform.

Deviation is part of our inner self whether we like it or not; whether we changed for the better and embrace goodness and light or changed for the worse and accept wickedness and stay in the dungeon of darkness.

mr oldtowner: I am a man of advocacy who believes in equality, freedom and world peace.
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