Dhaka stock exchange regularly changes its character. The company not declares original benefit for the share holder. Lots of company has huge profit last year but they are give right profit for the share holder. For this reason small investor have fallen huge problem. They not identify where they invest. Bank sector not declare original dividend. Other sector also not fill up share holder demand. So small investor have really passing tuff time. How they overcome this uncertain situation. Some group has gambling in the share market. They create panic about market and they reduce share rate and then they invest lots of that’s share and when price is high and small investor invest for profit that’s time they sell their share and small investor should loser. No authority keeps their activities. It’s not positive for share market. Last few months lots of investor lost their money. Very few people have gain. In this circumstance Security and exchange commission should done their job transparently. We want our share market should continue smoothly and every investor like small or merchant should have some profit and we request all company never ever play game with the investor please re declare your profit and give right to the share holder and established a strong share market in Bangladesh. Last we also aware our small investor please doesn’t run behind the panic rather first know about the company and its asset value, earning per share and its declaration then buy and saved your money. Good luck for our investor and our marker.