Categories: Opinion

Dictatorship or a Democracy?

Is this a free country anymore?  Are we nearing a dictatorship?  To impeach or not to impeach?  Those are the questions and we need some answers.  Bush continously uses his special privilege as president to override or erase any law, order, or freedom that we as Americans are supposed to cherish and live at ease with knowing that those basic rights will always be in place.  This, however, is getting harder and harder to believe.  Bush continously tells us our opinions are wrong, that our idea’s are illogical, and that we as American citizens have no right to tell him that he may be wrong more, than once in a while.  Freedom of speech is being fringed upon on a daily basis, the freedom to live with privacy is being upended, the laws are being changed without a single knowing citizen.  We need to stand up to our government before this becomes even more out of control.  We have always done our best at being a democratic state until the like’s of George W. Bush took office.  He uses us like his own private business and his croney’s and him come out to do a talk to provide hope to the nation and they come out looking like a bunch of hard-assed wardens in their all black suits, the only thing their missing is the weapons. 

We used to have a say in what happens in OUR country.  Now it is a one man show.  One man who can rule over all and all shall have no say.  We’re trying to fight in another country to stop the crime while our government is spending less and less to protect ours from crime.  We add more troops almost on a monthly basis while we’re cutting police from forces across the country.  Shouldn’t we also be protected and be allowed to feel safe in our country since we are fighting so others can feel safe in their countries.  We need to make a stand and fight for our freedoms while we still have some fight in us.  Soon Bush and his croney’s will have us worn down and tired of fighting to save our rights and freedoms and he will have his way with us.  Stand up for your country, for our country and show him we are not afraid of his bullying tactics and that we will fight back for what we believe in.

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Phil Olson: I write whenever I have some spare time and mostly when I have something I need to get off of my chest. It is a great stress reliever for me and it let's me get my two cents in on a story or headline.
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