Anyone want a few surprises in their email box? Sometime last night or late yesterday evening, my email fell into the hands of quite a few females who spend their time posing for naughty pics and posting them online, and, from what I gather, marketing them. I did not sign up for this, so just imagine my surprise this morning when Jennifer, Ashley, and others sent an email -especially to me- that apparently included a link that would lead me to their pics.
Now….. What you do in your private spare time is your own personal, private business, but I do not care to start my morning with someone else’s sick and twisted thoughts, porn, nudity, or whatever. I just frankly and simply do not care to participate in this program. For this reason, I did not open their links, and went directly to the link that allows me to UNSUBSCRIBE to their service. Of course, it might take a few business days to process my "request", so I am still deleting invitations to their fun and games to the tune of about 3-6 per hour.
Surprise, surprise…Who’d have thought it? It’s Las Vegas business. I know this, because their mailing address is on their emails. I suppose it’s their real address. I don’t know. I don’t care. Can’t help but wonder where they got my email address from, and why they, as complete, total strangers, would presume to invite themselves into my airspace and pester me with their personal business, but I sure wish I knew how to find out. Was I sold out by another company? Did a -friend- think I needed this kind of trash in my life, and sign me up for it? Is there a site that I am a member of who has taken it upon themselves to create their own invitation into my world?
Where ever it came from, and whatever prompted it, I’m a very unhappy camper. Don’t appreciate the violation of privacy…Don’t appreciate it at all…. What a revolting way to spend my day, deleting the trash others dump in my lap….
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