Jammu, July 19 (Scoop News)-The Divisional Commissioner, Jammu clarified here today that four persons were killed in the firing incident at Shadi in the Gool area of District Ramban on July 18, 2013 and not six as reported in a section of print and electronic media. He informed that the State Government has sanctioned ex-gratia relief of Rs.5 lakh each to the next of kin to those killed in the firing incident. The State Government also ordered that a job will be provided to one of the family members of those killed in the firing incident.
The Jammu Divisional Administration has appealed to the public not to believe in rumors and maintain peace, brotherhood and harmony.
In the meanwhile, Minister for PHE, Irrigation and Flood Control, Sham Lal Sharma and the Minister of State for Revenue, Relief and Rehabilitation, Ajaz Ahmed Khan visited the Government Medical College and Hospital, Jammu here today accompanied by the Divisional Commissioner, Jammu and inquired about the condition of injured, all of whom are stable. The Deputy Commissioner, Jammu has disbursed Rs.10, 000 each to the injured persons out of Red Cross Funds.
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