Here in Sri Lanka life has become just impossible to live!
I am a Sinhalese (a native). If I feel like this, I dare wonder what the minorities are going through.
We are in the midst of a terrorist war which the Govenment claims "Is not a war but just retaliation". Ever wondered what that means??? We are checked everywhere we go., Even if we go on holiday from one town to another in this tiny island of ours, bags and baggage are checked over and over again. Its as if we are living in some war zone. (By the way I live in the Capital Colombo….not the North or East where the war is taking place)
True we have our share of Bombs and air strikes, we have gone through all that but where is THIS attitude of the Governmnet leading us?
Now our economy is at a standstill and the Government proclaims we are at an all time high growth rate!! From where are they getting the stats I wonder……
TO whom can we tell and what will happen if we do…NOTHING. All we can see is the politicians accumulating wealth at the cost of taxpayers money which should have been invested in development. I am so skeptic of our future,,,, we are steadily heading down hill and no one is doing anything about it.
The cost of living is spiralling sky high together with a shoratage of essentials like LP gas which is a signal of another price hike.
The ineterest rates are soaring which is an indication of lack of money in the hands of the people
No investments,,,,,,No development …….
HIgh corruption , abductions and lawlessness…now the opposition is joining in with the government to share in the goodies.
Whom can we talk to …..Who will listen
May GOD Help us!!!!!!
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