Link between health and well-being is typically a problem where nutrition and diet are concerned. As the society is composed of many economic strata wherein some fails to make both ends meet, some are surviving and some are overfed. All in all, it looks as if we don’t eat to live but we live to eat. However, in any of these cases, the food is never considered to be the balance diet by any yardsticks.
Moreover, we eat in excess. We eat as if we are always hungry, and eat even when we are not. That too, we eat mostly carbohydrates. Most of what we eat today is made of carbohydrates.
The basic reason is these are easy to prepare, store and sell. And all carbohydrates are same. Whether it is Biscuits, Pies, cakes, Bread, Cookies, Waffles, crackers, Pizzas, Potato chips, French fries, popcorn, breakfast cereal, doughnut, Soups, Noodles, or Spread, all are carbohydrates.
On top of this, our food is unnatural. Some of us believe that by consuming only fruit juice we are dieting. The fact is fruits are more carbohydrates. Fructose from fruits, juices and high fructose corn syrup promotes obesity. All carbohydrates are converted to glucose in our intestine.
This is undeniable fact that only modern man eats so much of carbohydrates. As scientifically reported on several occasions, consequences are that these unnatural food and lifestyle can drive our body system into a tizzy. Consumption of excess carbohydrates could lead to Increase Obesity, Increase insulin and leptin levels, Promote inflammation, Promote growth (even tumors) and many more.
Added to this we also eat bad fats: Omega 6 fats and trans fats. Bad fats promote atherosclerosis, clog our blood vessels and lead to heart attacks and strokes.
Sedentary and stressful lifestyle in the cities adds to the problem; present kids grow up watching TV. Late eating (Just before bed) and lack of sleep worsens obesity, hamper repair and maintenance.
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