do you know
1.there are 100000 hairs on human scalp
In an average human being the scalp has 100000 hairs
2.Worlds oldest inhabited capital city
Damascus in Syria is the oldest inhabited capital city in the world
3.Highest mountain on the equqtor
Volan Cayambe in Ecuador South America, 5,880 metres high, is the highest mountaun on the equator
4.First manned space vehicle on the moon
Lunar Exploration Module nicknamed ‘Eagle’ was the first manned space to land on the moon
5.A small breakfast in the morning helps you to remain active
6.The sperm whale has the heaviest brain its brain can weigh upto 9kg.
7.The longest insect in the world isStick-insect called Pharnacia Kirbyi.Its length is more than 30cm.
8.The blue whale has longest nose that is 4.8metre long.
9.The largest termite in the world is in the African species Macrotermes Bellicosus which is 12.5cm in length.
10.Noisiest land animal
Its not your brother or sister its the Holer monkey screem.This is found in central and south America has a cry that is a mixture of a Donkey’s bray and a Dog’s bark.when it is in the full form,its screems can be heard 5km away.