Categories: OpinionWorld

Doda leads in mishaps; when will Govt wake up?

 As usual, Transport and Traffic authorities in Jammu and Kashmir state have once again shown their incapability to check the overloading, condition of passenger vehicle plying on the roads and the health condition of drivers thus within 24 hours of the most tragic accident in Doda district in which 41 people were killed yesterday, another accident took place in the same district reportedly killing four more people and injuring at-least eight.
No doubt the authorities and the government have been claiming to devise a strategy to check the factors responsible for the road accidents which are on rise with the start of year 2009, but on ground they have totally failed to perform their duties or one must say have shown their incapability and inefficiency to ensue public safety.
With the increase in the frequency of road accident in Doda district, common man fears to travel now as he worries that the accident can took place anywhere, as if one goes by the recent statistics and figures Doda district is leading in road accidents across the state. In the district, relatives and family members of all those who have been travel now a days; remain under fear psychosis till they confirm that their relative passengers reached their destinations safely. Even passengers from other parts of the state have started fearing to travel to Doda district.
Unfortunately, when ever the authorities concerned swung in action after such mishaps they resort to impose Challans and realizing fines from the drivers for not keeping proper documents instead of checking the health of drivers, overloading and the condition of vehicles which are the real cause of accidents.
Despites the increase in road accidents and knowing that it often results in fatal accidents overloading in allowed in hilly terrines of Doda district. Take an example of Thathri road accident that occurred in September last years killing 8 people and injuring 32, a 13 at that time were missing in the Chenab river, a mini bus which has the sitting capacity of only 32 passengers, 46 were boarded. In another tragic road accident, on January 17 this year, 13 passengers were killed and 15 others injured in Doda.
That time too several precious lives were lost but nothing more than condoling the deaths and expressing shocks and grief were done by government and any authority. Regrettably no one tried to look into the root cause of accidents and came out with a plan or suggestion to decrease the frequency of accidents.
And after the accident of yesterday, entire district Doda in a state of shock, as 41 precious lives has been perished due to over loading which if checked by the traffic control authorities in time would have been saved, but who cares. The district has not came out of shock due o the yesterday’s accident, another accident has been reported the same district Doda win which 4 people have been reported killed.
The growing number of road accidents in the hill areas of Doda, are on increase for the last few months which is a matter of grave concern yet the agencies /departments have been acting as a mute spectator.
To exercise ruthless check to ensure against overloading, validity of driving license and the fitness of the drivers, condition of the vehicles, particularly buses and load carriers becomes duty of all the agencies concerned with traffic management but it is unfortunate that there is no check on overs speeding etc. Allowing overloading and reckless passenger carriers it most regrettable on account of concerned regulating agencies which are putting several lives in danger daily.
The need of the hour is to remove this menace and ensure the safety of passengers, but, for that traditional, or one must say, outdated approach/ practice must be stopped by all quarters. The safety of the passengers can not be ensured by checking documents only. The parameters should be adopted to check the health conditions and temperament of drivers and officers on duty should assess that the passengers are safe in the vehicles or not.
The time has come and the authorities concerned and Government must wake to the recent Doda accidents. This is right time to say goodbye to the old fashioned methods like checking documents, (which only assures revenue generation for the concerned agencies). New methods like health/physical check-ups, mental check-ups and checking the condition of the vehicle are done in addition to other steps, which the planners think fit for ensuring safety of passengers. The authorities have to came out with some corrosive measures so the overloading could be prevented at-least the frequency of deaths caused in such tragic accidents due to overloading could be minimized.
Kattu Satya has repeatedly suggested ban on the use of Gutkha and Pan Masala and even cigarettes by drivers which is also emerging as a threat causing accidents.
Need is to devise a prolonged strategy and remove the bottlenecks in the agencies concerned.
Government must think on the establishment of Trauma Centres at important stations all along the routes which is significant, especially in the hilly areas, as in any eventuality the injured have to be shifted to GMC, Jammu. The time lost in shifting also adds to the number of causalities. Up-gradation of Sub-District Hospitals, District Hospitals is urgently required. Twenty-four hour availability of Specialists can help save many lives, if the number of doctors coupled with spirit to work for humanity is in place.

â–º Frequency of road accidents in Doda district on rise
â–ºAgencies /Deptts concerned acting as mute spectators
â–ºAllowing overloading/ reckless passenger carriers regrettable
â–ºSay goodbye to old fashioned methods like checking documents
â–ºEnsure against overloading, fitness of drivers, condition of vehicles
â–ºBan use of Gutkha, Pan Masala, cigarettes by drivers
â–ºEstablish Trauma Centres at important stations alongside Highways
â–ºEnsure 24/7 hrs availability of Specialists to save lives
â–ºGovt condoling, expressing grief over deaths not enough


Ajmer Alam Wani (Special Correspondent):
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