What Is Reverse Speech?
Until a few years ago, brain researchers believed the right hemisphere of the brain, the subconscious side, didn’t have the capabilities for speech. Research in the area of what is called “reverse speech’”(RS) claims to have proven differently.
Looking at speech, in it’s western form and starting at the top left and proceeding to the right and down, it can be seen as linear. Thinking of speech in this manner makes it easier to draw pictures in our minds.
The human mind is capable of so many things and doing many of them at the same time that can be “mind boggling.” Research has proven that people who are bored are also more prone to disease. The conclusion is: if the mind isn’t occupied it begins looking for something to do, like creating a disease in order to keep busy or not go crazy. Mindless entertainment falls into the same category as boredom, as far as the subconscious mind is concerned.
Another thing the subconscious mind can’t tolerate is telling lies. We can lie to others, but we can’t lie to ourselves. Even the slickest liar will have times when the subconscious will bring out the skeletons from the closet. Dreams can be one of those times, giving boring speeches is another. How often have we had a dream that has parts of a mistruth that we’ve tried to cover up with ego, or by telling ourselves that the end justifies the means?
The right hemisphere where the subconscious dwells, appears to have the ability to form and produce speech but it does it in reverse. Here’s how it works.
When someone is giving a boring speech, is lying or a combination of these and other things, the subconscious mind can be bored or trying to relieve itself of what it knows to be untrue.
Researchers have found if they slowly reverse-playback a recording of the speech or conversation, using special software and techniques any of us can master, they can pick out the words that the subconscious is reverse speaking.
I briefly looked at this a couple of years ago, but at the time it seemed not to have any relevance to where I was going or what I was doing. Recent events in the lives of us all have changed many things, including where and when for me.
A few weeks ago, I ran onto some research on reverse speaking (nothing by chance) that answered some questions I couldn’t resolve. One of those questions is, why do some people just suddenly breakdown and do things that no one would believe they would do.
When someone, who has appeared to be perfectly balanced, commits murder or other crimes, we wonder how it could have happened. Some reverse speech research indicates that the person had been giving clues from the subconscious all along.
Reverse speech research also indicates that someone who knows they are lying, will give bits of unconscious information about the lie through reverse speech. The bigger the lie, the more the subconscious has to vent.
Other research along similar lines indicates that drugs (any kind that dulls the subconscious mind) alcohol, and other addictions are an effort to stop the mind chatter that we may or may not even be aware of. Once the addiction, it can be anything, has taken control we’ll do almost anything to defend it. The addiction, and it’s defense, keeps us from hearing what our subconscious is trying to tell us. If the addiction is easier to face than the truth, and what we know inside to be the best for all, human nature almost always chooses the easier path.
Maybe reverse speech is really double speak. Wow, what a political action tool reverse speech would be.
If you’d like to pursue reverse speech further, you can go to www. reversespeech.com Another interesting web site that has information you may or may not want to know or believe is www, info@ken-welch.com. The second has some agendas but also possible answers to many questions.
Look into everything you may believe, but don’t necessarily believe everything you may look into.