The authorities concerned and animal rights advocates had been hitting their targets and apprehending dog haulers one after the other. Republic Act 8485 or the Animal Welfare Act bans the transport, selling, slaughtering and eating of dog meat in the country. In spite of the penalties as described in the said astute law, dog traders were not deterred in conducting their business.
Dog traders from the lowlands are the main suppliers of dogs in Baguio City and nearby province of Benguet where traditional dog meat eaters patronized known restaurants serving delicious dog meat menus. The animals are slaughtered by burning on fire its hairy skin until the tissue cracks as fats comes out of the dog’s meat.
Hauled street or stray dogs from the lowlands are usually transported with mouths tied by metal wires to prevent the animals from making noise so as to avoid detection. Although, dog traders operates cautiously by using unique transport vehicles, they always caught by authorities with the help of tipsters from the places where the dogs were taken.
Thus, making it hard for dog traders to transport their live catch to the uplands where restaurants are waiting for the day’s dog cooking business. Dog meats are now having shortages with restaurants owners looking for alternative sources of the animals.
The authorities and the animal rights advocates are in total conflict with the people in the uplands who just love to eat their favorite dog meat cooked pan fried with garlic, chili and chopped spring onion on top of it. Soup lovers prefer the boiled dog’s head and its feet with tamarind as an added treat to a savoring dish.
However, the authorities will not stop until the dogs are keep safe from the menacing dog traders and put to a stop dog menus in restaurants in the uplands.