Dr. Jayant Patel of Australia, who is facing charges on at least 16 counts of negligence and manslaughter and has been held responsible for death of 17 patients during his tenure in Queensland Hospital between 2003 and 2005, has finally agreed to be extradited from U.S. to Australia to fight the cases against him.
While facing enquiry, Patel fled to the US, where he was reported to be living in comfort until his arrest in last March. He is currently lodged in a high-security Prison in Oregon and it was widely believed that he would wage a legal battle to avoid his extradition.
But much to the surprise of Australia and American Authorities, his solicitors moved an application before the U.S. Jurisdictional Court informing his willingness to the extradition and a further desire to fight the cases in Australia.
Dr. Jayant Patel was caught due to the vigil exercised by an Intensive Care Nurse, Toni Hoffman. She and others who have been fighting for his extradition heaved a sigh of relief and are keenly awaiting his return to Australia.
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