The populous Duggar Family already has 17 children, the result of a conscious religious decision in 1988 to abstain from birth control. Since then, the Tonitown, Arkansas family has produced almost one child a year. Now the family is about to get even bigger.
This morning on the Today Show, Bob and Michelle Duggar announced that they are expecting an 18th child, which will bring the family count to 20.
On their extensive website the Duggars cite the Bible quotation that "Children are a heritage of the lord." They also explain how their anti-birth control position was formed as a result of Michelle conceiving and miscarrying while on the pill four years after marrying. As pro-life Christians, they said, Bob and Michelle grieved.
With the announcement of the Duggar’s 18th baby on-the-way, blogging moms erupted in response.
Fesshood blog disagreed with the Duggars’ religious argument, saying, "God gave us the ability to have higher order thinking, and so WHY would we lower ourselves to the level of non-thinking animals and just have children as often as our bodies will allow us?"
Gay humor and activism blog Good As You said that while they know the Duggars support gay groups, their support of anti-homosexual preacher Bill Gothard was "not easy to digest."
And A Mom Uncommon, who alleges to be a neighbor of the Duggars, may not agree with all they do, but is glad Mrs. Duggar is happy:
I can’t knock a woman for being excited about being a mom. I honestly believe that if you’re crazy in a way that makes you super happy, a great mom, and you’re still getting laid, then dude, keep that crazy flowing!
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