“Life is too short for acquiring knowledge”. Student life is mainly meant for studies. A student who devotes his full time in studies is good son of his motherland. Country needs mentally alert and able young men and women. It is duty of student to acquire as much knowledge as they can during there student life.
A nation of indiscipline citizen can never make progress. Such a nation is always in danger of extinction. Not only student but also mature citizen, responsible leaders and honorable legislature, often behave in indiscipline way. This all show that they did not get proper training in there student life. No one can become disciplined in a single day. But for that they have to practice discipline in each and every thought and action of there life.
A nation does not live by its big factories, dams, or buildings. It can live only by the character of its people. It is there sacred duty to built there character. They must learn from the beginning the lesion of self-help, self-reliance and self-sacrifice. These are the special qualities which a student must acquire in order to build a great character. Students will be required to take there place when they are retired. They are the future builders of the nation. Their duty in the present is to prepare for the future. They should be well equipped morally as well as emotionally, physically and mentally. In this way alone they will be discharging there duties to all they are connected with.