I don’t know if you’ve heard it or not but Earth Hour 2008 is March 29, 2008 at 8 p.m. So, many of you probably haven’t heard of it and if you have you may not have given it much thought. This day is the day to make a difference, at least for one hour, more if you please. The concept is to get as many people worldwide to shut off all their electronic appliances for one hour at the time and date listed above.
I actually had not heard of this project until just today but once I heard about it I decided to jump on the bandwagon. The idea is to prove how much one person can have an impact on cutting down on energy usage. So in order to achieve this www.earthhour.org is asking every single person or household, worldwide, to shut off electronics and use as little energy as possible for this hour. You may be wondering how does that prove that one person can make a difference. If you look at how it is going to work you see that each person involved is adding to the huge impact. So each individual is helping in making a difference to the planet. The problem is not many people have signed up for this noble cause. Out of more than six billion people worldwide only just over 172,000 have pledged to make a difference. One hundred seventy two thousand people sounds like a lot but in terms of worldwide percentage it is only .00003 percent of the entire world. If we could just have even a measly five percent of the world participate the difference would be dramatic. Energy usage for that hour would be at a very low level which would mean that power plants would not have to run as hard, in turn, they would not pump out as much of those toxic gases that are ruining our planet. At least, for the hour we all do this, unless we volunteer more of our time for energy free living. Maybe instead of one hour for one day we could do it two hours every day of the week for an entire year. Better yet we could just do this forever. Maybe even more than two hours a night or day. This could be a dramatic step in improving the environment and we should all take it seriously. So in closing I hope that all of you who read this consider the difference we could make by participating in an event such as this. Also consider the difference we could make if we were to make this an everyday event instead of just one day a year. But all I am asking is for as many people as possible to at least participate in this event on March 29, 2008 at 8:00 p.m.
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