Eat Less, Get life

Many of us are guilty when it comes to indulging in bad eating habits, especially when the food is free. Researchers at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Centre, US, have found out that overeating could cause metabolic syndrome, which is when the series of chemical reactions taking place in the body that provides nutrients to sustain life are lacking.

There is risk of developing insulin resistance, heart disease and type2 diabetes. In the study, researchers genetically altered a group of mice to prevent them from becoming fat. When those mice and normal ones were verfed, both developed signs of metabolic syndrome. But the ones engineered to remain slim developed health problems eight weeks before the normal mice showed signs of trouble.

Researchers said what matters is not how much body fat you have, but where it is stored in the body. So, if you are slim, that does not give you the go-ahead to be a grub because it might be dangerous to your health.

Hanson Okoh:
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