Women over the centuries have progressed as a gender and fought for many things from the right to vote to breaking the glass ceiling, but now it seems there’s a high trend of women who are still stuck in the mentality that a man is going to take care of them. This is a disturbing trend because so many women aren’t getting educated like they should be doing so they can support themselves they put all their emphasis in a man to support them. What they don’t really realize is that those days of men being the sole bread winner has come and gone and that women as a gender need to get themselves educated. It’s very sad that some women primarily ones who live in the country still think that a man is to take care of them and they do nothing except keep house and tend to a swarm of children. A woman’s role in the world has to improve because the fact that so many women are not getting married as frequently as they used to opting to be in a domestic partnership with men and later finding out it’s not what it’s cracked up to be once they got comfortable playing house and making babies with someone who obviously wasn’t serous about making that woman his wife and not reducing her to live-in girlfriend/baby mama status. Many women out here have seen their female friends reducing themselves and limiting their potential by putting their emphasis on a man who doesn’t have enough education to move up the career ladder other than to settle for a factory or minimum wage blue collar job. There’s a reason why women need an education and here are 5 reasons why women need to secure themselves in the world with an education and a career of some sort:
1. Women need to become independent of their husbands and partners: Most women especially ones who were raised in the country have that June Cleaver mentality that a man is to take care of them when they need to stand on their own two feet and not put their entire emphasis on a man taking care of them. A woman should also work because if her husband or partner loses his job they will still have an income coming in because workman’s compensation and other disability benefits are getting harder and harder to get due to the fact that there’s countless issues of fraud and also level of injury that would warrant someone to be on workman’s compensation since they’re much more selective of who gets it and who doesn’t so if you don’t have your own means to back yourself up in case you’re unable to work you could be in trouble.
2. Women need to stop thinking that their husbands and partners jobs will carry them: Wrong, 40 years ago you could get by on one income, but with the economy being the way it is you can’t afford to live on one income and it takes two incomes with both the husband wife taking at least 2 jobs a piece.
3. Women are also finding themselves back in the world after a divorce or dissolution of a partnership: This is a hard reality for many women to deal with especially when they had spent years of their lives raising kids and keeping a home and giving up their careers to raise a family and being gone for so long not really seeing that times had changed especially since educational requirements have changed in the last 30 years.
4. Women are lacking education: Some women were very young when they got married or entered a domestic partnership. Some haven’t finished high school and went back for a GED.
5. Women are needed in many career fields: There’s a high need for women to enter career fields for health care and other areas because in the next 2-5 years the demand will be greater and many career fields will be training people in 3 years or less to work in areas like nursing, massage therapy, and other career fields.
A woman’s role in the world has become an even bigger entity as the career field calls for more and more women to start training in some areas so that they can get out and work. This explains why many state welfare agencies are doing the welfare to work program to begin getting a lot of women off the system and into a job they can work so they can support themselves and their families. This doesn’t make sense to see women making excuses for why they can’t better themselves. There’s too many resources out here that can help women to better their lives instead of thinking that their husband or partner’s disability and workman’s compensation benefits kick in because it can take a couple months for benefits to come in and in the time you waste waiting on a check to come you could be enrolled in a one year certificate career program getting yourself prepared for a job.
There’s high need for women to really apply themselves to a career that allows them the flexibility to work and still have time for their family without worrying about how the bills are going to get paid because they have a steady income and it helps that they’re also contributing to the household other than putting the duty of breadwinner on a spouse or partner which can be straining because of the fact that most people who are not properly educated are facing major cutbacks and layoffs due to companies downsizing or sending their labor force overseas. This is why women in today’s day and age need to go to school and work towards bettering life for themselves and their families.
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