Edwards Drops Out of Race, Hillary Is Unclear How It Affects Super Tuesday

Upon hearing about John Edwards dropping out of the race, fellow US Democratic hopeful Hillary Clinton said she was unclear how this will affect the race on Super Tuesday between herself and Barack Obama.

I don’t know I’m going to leave that to the political pundits and writers,” Hillary said as she added with, “Now is a time to really thank him for his service and to recognize the sacrifices that it takes for any family to go through a presidential campaign and to keep he and Elizabeth and his family in our thoughts and prayers as they move forward.”

Hillary had also added that she has not specifically asked for his endorsement because it is ultimately how he decides on how he will participate in the ongoing campaign.

Hillary Clinton also answered in regards about whether or not Edwards’ white supporters would support Obama by saying: “I’m not concerned with anything like that. That’s not what this campaign is about. Its about reaching out to voters everywhere, each and every voter I’m trying to persuade to support me. I’d be honored to have the support of those who supported John Edwards. We’re going to have a vigorous campaign and then we’ll get a nominee and then we will close ranks and be unified and bring our party and our country together.”

Can Tran:
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