Egypt: Let’s Shoot those Protesters!

 Upon discussing recurrent demonstrations and the 6th of April pro-democracy protest, Egyptian ruling National Democratic Party (NDP) members of Parliament lashed out during a verbal battle with Muslim Brotherhood MPs over protesters in the country on Sunday and said Egyptian pro-democracy demonstrators “should be shot” by police.

Bikya Masr reported:

The statements have been met with widespread anger from the activist community, who continue to force their voices to be heard in a climate of seemingly never-ending government crackdowns.

In a post tilted “let the revolution start“, Zeinobia could not believe that:

MP Ragab Hamida and MP Nashat El-Kassas have called the ministry of interior to use live ammunition against protesters during a discussion about the 6th April youth !!!

She commented saying:

Live ammunition !!?? well if they want live ammunition, then they want a revolution and the question now:

Are they ready for one !!? Because the people are really ready for revolution, they are fed up and can’t take it anymore.

Both Zeinobia and Bikya Masr quoted the MPs saying that they called the demonstrators

all kinds of names including traitors !!

It is not enough that those who were arrested look like this upon their release, [Pictures of activist Bahaa Saber who was kidnapped in a protest for change on April 13th and was brutally tortured until his release two days later.]

According to Bikya Masr:

MP Hassan Nashat al-Kassas said, referring to the April 6 Youth Movement who recently held two protesters in Cairo where police violently beat them and arrested many, that “they are not youth activists, they are a bunch of idlers.”

Fellow MP Ahmed Abu Akrab chimed into the conversation and said that Egypt “enjoys a democratic climate these days.”

But, al-Kassas went a step further in his comments during the verbal battle in Parliament, saying that protesters should be punished for their actions. He said the government should “beat [them] strongly, shoot them not only by water hoses … they deserve fire,” a reference to using live ammunition against mainly peaceful demonstrators.

In an initial post, Wild at Heart wrote addressing the MPs:

الكلام ده مايتقالش حتى بشكل رمزي يا حزب واطي، يا حرامية، يا أوساخ
جتكوا القرف، النشطاء والعمال والصحفيين وأعضاء أحزاب المعارضة وكل المظلومين والجعانين والمخنوقين في البلد دي حيفضلوا يتظاهروا وينزلوا الشارع لحد ما تغوروا في ستين داهية
You bunch of thugs! Such nonsense should not be uttered – not even metaphorically speaking! As long as activists, workers, journalists, and members of opposition parties are starved, gagged, and oppressed, they will keep on protesting and demonstrating until they bid you good riddance!

In a subsequent post, Wild at Heart posted pictures of the MPs who called for shooting down protesters saying that they are

مطلوب بتهمة التحريض على القتل
Wanted for instigating murder!

and that

لو حد مات في المظاهرات بعد كده إعرفوا إنهم المحرضين
If anyone died in a protest, know the hand that shot him

Nawara Negm wrote an angry post titled:

ولما اقول اننا دولة نازية ماحدش يتني كلمة
Do not argue with me now: We are officially a Nazi country!

She added:

لما عرصات مجلس الشعب يطالبوا بضرب المواطنين بالرصاص الحي في الشارع يبقى احنا وصلنا لقمة النازية
وعشان تبقوا عارفين.. الدولة النازية لو ما صلحتش نفسها من خلال شعبها حييجي اللي يربيها من برة
كل الدول الفاشيست حصل لها كده، يا تصلح نفسك يا تترن علقة
When those sissy MPs call for using live ammunition in the street then we have reached the epitome of Nazism! And just for your information, history taught us that all fascist countries, whose people did not move, were forced back into respecting humanity by outside forces

Amira AlTahawi – who lost her job over exposing the fake virginity scambelieves that:

الحكومة المصرية تهدد: هانقتلهم زي ما قتلنا اللاجئين
The Egyptian government is threatening to kill demonstrators the same way they killed the refugees
ومفيش واحد من الحزب الحاكم يعترض عليه أو يطالب بشطبه من المضبطة ولو حتى يتحمق ويرفضه بالكدب؟ دول نواب عن الأمة بيطالبوا باستخدام الرصاص الحي ضد الشعب اللي بيمثلوا مصالحه – افتراضا؟ رصاص ضد مدنيين عزل؟ طيب في مظاهرة الثلاثاء أدام البرلمان نفسه، ورونا بقى الرصاص الحي. (المتظاهرين بقى يحضروا العدة: مسدسات الميه اللعبة وبمب من بتاع العيد)
No one from the ruling party objected to what was said? No one called for taking it off the official records? No one even lifted a finger in objection? Are those MPs truly the representatives of the people? Those same people want to shoot civilians dead? Anyway, there is a demonstration in front of the parliament on Tuesday! Show us how you will use live ammunition on us!
Note to protesters: Bring along your water guns!

On Facebook, a group called “We do not fear your bullets” has been created and here is the link to the demonstration page!

Marwa Rakha: Born and raised in Egypt, I was brought up to be a good middle class Egyptian girl; but somehow being good did not suit my notions. Deep down I have rejected the heavy heritage of traditions and norms that made no sense to my inquisitive mind.

I have come a long way from the scared little girl that I once was ... I found my passion in writing, my voice in teaching & training, and my strength in marketing ... I took off my mask ... and I decided to speak up and loud .. as loud as loud could ever be.

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