After the post-electoral hangover, various blogs from El Salvador posted their reactions to the news of the victory by FMLN candidate Mauricio Funes, who defeated ARENA candidate Rodrigo Ávila in the March 15 Presidential election with 51% of the vote. Funes, a former television journalist, ends nearly two decades of rule by the ARENA party and brings FMLN into power, which is a party that was built by former guerrilla fighters after a peace deal ended armed conflict in that country.
The blogs El Trompudo [es] and El-Salvador [es] present the same post published by POCOTE, who asked for the essay to be reprinted and shared, which praised Funes’ message that he gave on Sunday night when he proclaimed himself the winner of the presidential elections.
Este mensaje del primer presidente de un partido de izquierda electo libremente por voluntad popular, es, seguramente, el discurso más esperado por los salvadoreños en muchos años.
This message from the first president from a leftist party and elected freely by popular decision is, surely, the most anticipated speech by Salvadorans in a long time.
Emphasis was made that the new government would give preference to the classes of the have-nots and will change the exclusionary model of governing to one that has the political Constitution as a reference, expressing their profound satisfaction.
The blogger Atlacatl takes the opportunity to add “a bit of salt in the wound [es],” expressing his repudiation by the “coverage” from the Salvadoran Telecorporation (TCS). Atlacatl writes that during the election night TCS started to change its tone and went from arrogance to submissive conciliation.
The blogs Chichicaste [es] and the Blog de Sura [es] written by Carlos Sura, a disabled blogger with a very dynamic and frequently updated blog, publishes video and the text of the speech by Funes proclaiming his victory and offering reconciliation to the country.
The Blog from the Movement of Professionals, Technicians and Intellectuals (M.P.T.I.E.S. for its initials in Spanish) salutes the president-elect in their blog with the post “Your Honor, Mr. President Funes, It was Worth It! [es]” with these words:
Contra viento y marea, contra un poder acumulado en unas cuantas manos, contra los medios de comunicación capitalistas, contra la manipulación del tribunal Supremo Electoral, contra empresarios que atemorizaron a cientos de miles de trabajadores, contra seudo analistas lanzando desprestigio, contra la mayor campaña viciada, cínica y descarada, contra una Fiscalía y Corte Suprema Suprema inclinada a la violación de la Constitución de la Republica, contra el Alto mando de la Fuerza Armada y la Policía Nacional Civil, contra personajes importados de Venezuela, Cuba y Nicaragua pagados por el Coena……….”
Against wind and rising tide, against the power accumulated in a few hands, against the capitalistic media, against the manipulation of the Supreme Electoral tribunal, against businesspersons that terrorize hundred of thousands of workers, against pseudo-analysts trying to discredit, against the most foul, cynical, and shameless campaign, against attorneys and the Supreme Court inclined towards the violation of the Constitution, against the high command of the Armed Forces and National Police, against people imported from Venezuela, Cuba and Nicaragua paid by the National Executive Council of ARENA (Coena)….
Carlos Abrego of Bloguero de Cosas Tan Pasajeras [es] salutes what he considers to be a historical day and highlights that major significance that a person who is openly leftists to be the president of El Salvador:
Arena fué derrotada. El miedo fue vencido. La esperanza puede comenzar a alentar nuestros ánimos. El cambio ahora si que se ha vuelto posible. Hagámoslo realidad.
El Tenampa [es], another blog was one of the first to take “photos of the ARENA’s vote” for those workers and laborers who had been reportedly threatened and had to “demonstrate” that they voted for ARENA and writes “Change is Here,” even when it was in the middle of the vote count. The blog La Verdad Siempre Saldá al Aire [es] written by Rojo Bender writes that the people voted with wisdom [es].
The blog Dulce Limón Partido [es] shows her painted finger indicating her recent vote and writes that there are more than a million dreams as a result of the vote:
Ayer, por primera vez en mi vida, sentí que valía la pena ser salvadoreña, haber nacido en estos casi 21,000 kilómetros cuadrados por fin tomaron sentido. No me caben las palabras para expresar toda la emoción que experimenté en todo el día, pasé pegada a la radio, no dormí la noche del sábado, ni mis padres, pasé en el patio, mirando al cielo que estaba nublado y de vez en vez dejaba ver las estrellas. Con los ojos “chilosos” fui a votar, nos llevamos hasta a mi abuelita, Soyapango se pintaba de rojo, y a las 8.30 am ya había caos vehicular. Viví 20 de mis 24 años de edad, bajo un régimen que desde que tengo uso de razón nunca comprendí y nunca estuve a gusto, ni me tragué los engaños de el sistema. Siempre me pregunté, por qué si la gente estaba tan mal, seguía eligiendo a las mismas personas para que las gobernaran. Ayer el pueblo dio lección, y le recordó al gobierno, que nosotros, los que queríamos cambiar, para bien o para mal, somos más y unidos doblegamos cualquier máquina de hacer dinero y poder.
Yesterday for the first time in my life, I felt that it was worth being Salvadoran, being born in this 21,000 square kilometer area finally made sense. There are no words to express the emotions that I felt all day spent glued to the radio, I didn’t sleep at all on Saturday night, neither did my parents, I spent time on the patio looking at the cloudy sky and from time to time I stopped seeing the stars. With my “watery” eyes, I went to vote taking my grandmother. Soyapango was painted red and at 8:30 am there was vehicular chaos. I lived 20 of my 24 years living under a regime that I never understood and never felt right with, and I didn’t swallow the deceits of the system. I always asked, why were people in a bad situation, and kept electing the same people to govern. Yesterday the people gave a lesson, and reminded the government and us that we want change for better or for worse, we are more and more united overtaking any machine out to make money or to control power.