Categories: OpinionWorld

Employee not gets their right, Labor Day’s demand.

1st may international labor day. This day employee sacrifice their life for demand their right.   ILO try to complete employee right but in the current circumstance we found lots of place lots of country are not give proper salary to the laborer. So Labor Day we should think about the employee and their family. In the world now reach a very top position in every sector only for the labor of laborer. But we not give them proper refund. Their sweat, tears and hard labor we established high race building, they produce food they done all type of hard work and we just get the benefit. Its completely break human right. So we need to honor them and payment them before their sweat removed.


So we urge every country please established a standard labor rule as your country position. Every county have differ their economy depth. So as their own economy every country should established their payment system and their working system. We believe if we complete a standard system we overcome lots of problem.


In Bangladesh we see sometime employee destroy their own industries for their demandable salary and other demand. It’s not positive. You think you destroy your country assets. So be alert yourself. You never ever know in any time you should also owner an industry. We urge both employee and owner of the industries please complete your own responsibilities each other. If we dutiful each other InshaAllah we overcome all problem and we reach our country in top position.





Muhammad Azizur Rahman: I’m Muhammad Azizur Rahman Muslim and Bangladeshi. Myself I address as a freelance journalist. I write international issue and also about my country Bangladesh. Especially I write about the conspiracy against Muslim world and the Muslim nation around the world. As a freelance journalist I attempt to complete my duties . I'm not expected that's everyone accept my views but I honor them who visit my site and comments about my post . Note: I never ever fear any power without my creator Almighty mailto :md.azizur07.rahman@gmail.com www.groundreport.com/MuhammadAzizurRahman my.telegraph.co.uk/MuhammadAzizurRahman
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