End The Dooms Day Parade for Good


Money runs out. Then people can’t purchase. This is a problem. Who needs more money? How can we earn more money? I want to purchase. I need to purchase. Do you want to purchase too? Let’s figure out a way to earn more money so we can buy more stuff and this time we need to earn better money, less expensive money, and we need money that won’t disappear at the worst possible moment, not this time, not our money. This time our money is going to be accurate, beneficial for all, available, and inexpensive.
What kind of money can flow into our lives like winning the lottery every day only better? Can we make money that doesn’t cost anything once it is built and paid for? If someone wins the lottery that money runs out eventually. That is not what we want. We want money that does not run out. Sure a lottery winner can buy more and more lottery tickets with the lottery money but the chances of winning are very close to zero. We need money that keeps on flowing while we sit back, relax, and enjoy our time on this planet in this life. Impossible! I can hear the critics cry.
I’m going to let some people in on a couple of secrets while spilling the beans or disclosing a few more secrets held by people who, like Scrooge, like hoarding money. These are not well kept secrets for some people, while other people are totally in the dark.
Money does not make money, currency makes money. Another way of exposing this secret is to explain the nature of investment and to dispel the myth of savings. Money sits in banks. Currency flows through the social body like blood. Currency invigorates the economy when it flows. Currency can be drained from the body, killing it. This is fact. The "Roaring Twenties" was caused by increasing the supply of currency. The "Great Depression" was caused by decreasing the supply of currency. Someone was laughing all the way to the bank. What a joke, huh?
If someone tells you to save money, my money is on the person telling this story and I bet that the saver is giving up power to the story teller. The story teller who goes around telling other people to save is probably cashing in on an investment called interest. Interest, to say the least, is interesting. The saver thinks he is saving while his savings evaporates because that is how interest works when criminals control our currency.
Imagine having the power to add zeros to our bank account and by this magic trick we can all know interest. We can figure out how interest really works. This is a big secret and we are not allowed to know it. We may think that we are allowed to know it and that is how we are not allowed to know this secret. By the time you are done reading this you still won’t know the secret. You will have to work on it for 10 years, maybe longer, before you can actually know the secret and by then it may be too late for you to do anything with the secret. Imagine having the power to add zeros to your own personal bank account any time you feel like adding one, two, or one trillion zeros. Imagine. I can help. We can imagine together.
Suppose you alone have this power and now you add 20 zeros to your account in your bank because you stopped at 20 zeros because you grew tired of adding zeros. 20 is a lot of zeros and it takes awhile to type that many zeros into your personal bank account at your personal bank computer terminal. You now have more money than words can describe. A trillion dollars is 1,000,000,000,000 or twelve zeros. You have 20 zeros. A trillionaire is poor compared to you. You have a lot of money. You are not poor any more. The secret is to get other people to take your money. This is the secret and before you learnt this secret you thought that you wanted money. Your money in your bank is worthless unless you can get someone to take it. This is not the whole secret. You thought you wanted money and now you know, or think you know, that the secret is getting people to want your money.
Suppose you fill out an application to the government asking for a contract allowing you to pay taxes with your money. If you can get this power then your money will become currency. Your government will take your money. Money you make goes to your government to pay taxes. Your money flows like electricity from your bank to the government. You never have to pay another tax. Just add zeros as needed. This secret is called a franchise. If you are awarded a contract that allows you to use your money to pay taxes then someone will take your money, your government takes your money. Suppose that your government was named Uncle Sam and in order to get your franchise you had to agree to a new feature offered by Uncle Sam as part of the contract. Uncle Sam wants to spread the wealth around and get in on a piece of the action. Uncle Sam adds a feature to your franchise allowing anyone to pay taxes with your money. At first you had no customers wanting your money, and then you added Uncle Sam as your first customer. Now Uncle Sam and you are partners who have all the taxpayers for customers. Isn’t that nice?
Now you have more people who want your money than you can possibly imagine, the number of people wanting your money is in the millions. They want your money so they can pay taxes too. Uncle Sam wants you to make more money so more people will pay taxes. Everyone is happy. You get to buy anything anytime and all you have to do is keep adding zeros to your bank account. What do you buy? Figuring out what you purchase with your new power is important if you want to keep your power, very important, another secret.
This should be very easy to understand. In the first place this secret is not fantasy. In the second place the purchases that are necessary in order to maintain this power to create zeros in a private bank account have already been made over and over again for many years. This is a secret and you are not allowed to know it. You won’t know it unless you figure it out on your own. This is one of the huge lies that are so fundamentally criminal that the absurdity of it goes beyond reason. This is one of those dark and black secrets that cannot be thought or spoken; like torture and mass murder. Speaking about this is unspeakable.
You are not allowed to think about your own government torturing people, true or false? You certainly can’t speak about it. Go ahead and try. All you are allowed to do is repeat lies in your mind, in your heart, and in your speech. You must obey or else. That is a lie. You must obey or else. That is a lie. If you don’t hear this lie being repeated in your head then you will never know that this lie is repeating in your head. Obey or else. You must obey or you will suffer. Obey. The Federal Reserve is a currency fraud. Don’t know this fact or else. Can we imagine anyway?
Now that we have the power to create zeros in our personal bank account and now that we have the franchise from Uncle Sam, now what do we do to protect our franchise? We can purchase anything, we may have already purchased everything we can possibly ever consume in our life times and now we begin to consider the real possibility that our franchise may be in jeopardy. We begin to work toward securing our money tree from all threats foreign and domestic. We protect our National interest, our money tree. 
I forgot to dispel the myth of savings in a way that the reader will likely believe what I am describing and if the reader convicts me of treating the reader like a child beware if you are one or have any. We are. We are victims of abusive parents. That is just the way it is; deal with it. You have no business saving stupid; you can create zeros in your own personal bank account so learn how to invest smart sooner rather than too late. While you are saving, other people are banking on you saving and they use your savings to earn profits for them, not you, they are using you and urging you to ‘save’, ‘save’, ‘save’, and for God’s sake: “save”. Hallelujah – amen.
What the hell are we going to do to protect our money tree, now that we have Uncle Sam by the balls? Think woman.  
Think man. People are out there willing to torture and mass murder for this power. How are we going to spend our power in order to keep our power to create money? Are you out of ideas? How about offering our competitors a piece of the action? Make friends. If we make a deal with the competition to share the booty it is less likely that our competition will fight against us. We print money and we give that money to our competitors almost as if they get to print our money. We charge them a little bit so… actually they don’t have our power. We buy them off. They get a piece of the action. Our competitors are given an offer they cannot refuse. Rather than “saving” up enough power to fight us for the golden franchise prize to create money and rather then spending that savings to fight us, the competition will volunteer to get in on the action. This is another one of those secrets you are not allowed to know. The franchise to create legal money spends that money to buy off the competition.
If you think, even for a moment, that the secret I’ve just described is “The American Way” then question that thought deeply. I am now going to describe why that way is evil and that way is certainly not “liberty” and “justice” for all. That way is just for them, it is just for the people who run the currency fraud. That way is criminal. That way of buying off the competition eliminates the traditional American reward for honest effort. That purchase  is designed to eliminate the competition and destroy the reward for honest effort because dishonest fraud cannot compete in sunlight, crime does not pay honestly.
Competition drives us to produce higher quality products at lower costs. That is a secret. As you try to recall the logic and truth of that secret your mind will be blocked by a faint and distant voice calling: “Obey or suffer.” While you fight for control of your own thoughts I’ll help you realize the profound significance of what I’ve just exposed. The purchase protecting the franchise that eliminates the competition lowers the quality of money and increases the cost of money for us and our cost becomes their profit. The quality of money is power, while the cost of money is interest.  They have the power and we pay the interest. When Uncle Sam sold the franchise to create legal money and then when the Federal Reserve bought the competition out of competition our money began to lose power for us, our money become inaccurate on purpose for them, and our money cost much, much, much more in interest and other costs because of falsehood. We have been had. Someone is paying for something and someone else is raking in the profits. That is a fact. That is a secret. We are victims. They are criminals. Obey or suffer.
Test your knowledge at this point. What would happen if all the people in America stopped saving and began investing in a new currency franchise to compete against the current currency franchise fraud? Suppose that we, the people, hire a company like E-gold, or Microsoft, or Wal-Mart, or Skype, Papal, Google, E-bay, Intel, IBM, Halliburton, oops, not Halliburton. Suppose we demand from this new franchise a few specific design features for our new currency. We tell our representatives and our employees to adopt a list of things that must be done. Number one on the list is complete power to create zeros in our personal bank account just like the power The Federal Reserve has and therefore we will not be tempted to buy into their pyramid scheme. We want competition. We do not want to take away that power from The Federal Reserve and their minions. We want to compete and win in the currency business. We are winners. We are not losers. We also demand the power to use our new currency to pay taxes just like The Federal Reserve or take that power from The Federal Reserve and their cabal so we compete on the same level field.
Now we can compete with The Federal Reserve, the American way, and The Dollar Hegemony will lose because they are dishonest and criminal. We need to hire the minimum number of excellent people who will work for a competitive wage to run this new Money Tree. We hire good people who know what they are doing. Their pay will be equitable, not cheap, and not expensive. By that means we make this venture cost less and it will provide a quality product. If our money cost less than The Federal Reserve stuff our money will be used instead of The Federal Reserve stuff. If our money is more powerful because it is more accurate, our money will gain more market share quickly and we will gain power over The Federal Reserve in direct competition with The Federal Reserve Dollar Hegemony. We need to employ honest people, certainly not the typical politician, to run the accounting and record keeping. We reserve the right to fire those who lie and steal. The reader can browse the E-gold web site (just Google and start reading) to see how accurate accounting in money matters works in reality – not Federal Reserve “reality”.
Next thing to do is begin designing, producing, selling, maintaining, and improving financial products. I can offer two product designs that may inspire an interest in the possibilities of this peaceful take-over in our legal financial markets. Product number one is a loan offered to anyone with a good credit rating. This loan is designed to construct a new home or business property, to buy an existing home or business property, or to pay off an existing home or business mortgage. This new product will cost the customer no interest charge if their past credit history is clean and they can proof beyond a reasonable doubt that they can and will pay back the entire loan. Someone with questionable credit history will have to pay one percent interest. Someone with even more questionable credit history will have to pay two percent interest. The interest payments return to our bank and that money is used to process all the paperwork caused by those people who fail to pay back the loans. The people who pay back their loans on time pay no interest.
That first product is not only a quality product it is a competitive product because it teaches the customers the value of honesty. Our customers will be honest customers while The Federal Reserve customers will be the dishonest customers because they are teaching their customers to be like them i.e. dishonest.
The second product is a money maker for the new bank. The new bank franchise needs to make a profit in order to purchase insurance. The longer the new bank franchise is in business the more profit it makes and the higher quality the insurance will be for the new bank franchise. The new bank franchise in ten years will have enough profit accumulated into an insurance investment plan (not savings) to insure against many possible disasters. The second product intends to produce new wealth and share that new wealth with everyone including the criminals at The Federal Reserve. The second product is a one percent interest loan to qualified borrowers (more interest is charged for poorly qualified borrowers for the same honest reasons as noted before) for the specific purpose of creating and consuming new energy. New energy is new wealth like finding a gold mine or finding a new oil well. The idea here is to create new energy and profit from that new energy as we use that new energy. Think of this as being similar to the government subsidy that is now handed out to oil companies, yet everyone who is honest can get in on this deal rather than only the oil corporate cronies. This is much like the oil company subsidy because we, the people, get to drill, mine, or forage for new energy sources based upon a proven record of profitable new energy production. I can explain.
If all the evidence available proves, beyond a reasonable doubt, that there is no oil under New Jersey, no one will subsidize, or invest in, drilling for oil in New Jersey. If all evidence proves that oil is in Iraq, then the people in Iraq will be tortured and mass murdered by Uncle Sam so that the oil companies can control that oil and protect their Dollar currency fraud. If all evidence proves, beyond a reasonable doubt, that one Solar Panel purchased today will generate enough electricity from the sun to pay for that Solar Panel twice then people cannot reasonably turn down that investment offer. Reason is a good thing. Reason allows us to survive. Reason keeps us from torturing and mass murdering each other for power. Power arrives on this planet from the sun and we can turn that power into electricity for a profit. That is right. Not only can we turn sunlight into electricity for free we can profit from that investment. I am not telling a story. The story you have grown to believe in is the false story and it goes like this: “Obey or suffer”.
The second product is a loan for anyone to buy things like Solar Panels, Solar Panel production businesses, Solar Panel installation and maintenance businesses, Wind Generators, Wind Generator production businesses, Wind Generator installation and maintenance businesses, Electric Cars, Electric Car production businesses, Electric Car sales and maintenance businesses, and such.  That is a lot of new businesses needing a lot of new workers. People will be begging foreigners to move here and work. The loans will finance new power production and consumption. The money stimulates a new BOOM in the economy while generating more physical power from the sun. More power in the form of interest returns to our bank to buy insurance against natural, or man made, disasters. The biggest man made disaster, The Federal Reserve currency fraud, must compete in the production of quality financial products at the highest possible benefit and the lowest possible cost to the consumer, us, the people, the honest hard working American citizens, and the owners of our bank and our government.
You be the judge. They are not your masters until you allow them to be your masters.
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