To obtain or maintain a healthy lifestyle, it may be mandatory to follow and observe strictly the following health promoting lifestyles:
*The Seven Rules of Health: obey the following seven rules: *Take health-promoting foods and drinks
*Have abundant fresh air and sunlight
*Get rid of body wastes regularly.
*Protect the body from injury, excessive cold and heat. *Have proper exercise. *Have proper rest *Protect the body from the entrance of poisons and disease-producing germs.
*Do medical check-ups regularly every year at 3-6 months intervals, because research has shown the following statistics about the total population in most human communities:
_10 percent are ill outside hospitals
_15 percent are hospitalised
_75 percent are neither ill nor healthy
*Prevention is better than cure in health matters too. Avoid "fire-brigade" approaches and make healthy choices about your health matters from now. Research in USA on the causes of death, disease and disabilities has established the following pattern of causes: _Individual lifestyle choices 53 percent
_the environment 21 percent
_the human biology 16 percent
_the healthcare system 10 percent, 100 percent
So, choose to live healthy lifestyles and live/work in healthy environments, and you will influence your health status positively up to 74 percent.
*Maintain fitness: Physically, mentally and spiritually *Maintain purity: Physically, mentally and spiritually *Maintain a healthy balance between work and rest by ensuring that you:
_rest from physical and mental activities
_sleep maximally for your age
_relax through leisure activities
_take vacation at least once yearly
*spend time with family and loved ones.
*Listen to your body especially after the age of 35 years. Slow down generally in various aspects of your earlier years lifestyles, especially the ones your body has being "complaining" about to you recently.
*Posture: poor posture causes misalignment of the spinal vertebrae leading to back pain, slipped disc, nervous disease, etc.
*Diet: _Eat foods grown near where you were born
_Eat foods in their natural states and unprocessed as much as possible.
_Don’t eat food grown with fertilisers, pesticides, herbicides, etc. *Don’t eat foods which have chemicals put in them during processing.
_Take foods in their raw forms at least once daily (for enzymes)
_Combine foods properly according to their chemistry *Maintain healthy or positive emotion and mental attitude at all time. As you think, so you become, like attracts like. For example, avoid worries, fear, anger, greed, hate, being unforgiving, guilty, lack of faith in God, low self esteem, self-pity, lack of hope to live, jealousy, bad sexual habits, suicide tendencies, etc. *Avoid Stress: resulting from financial problems, job, social/family, environmental factors, health problems, pressures and strains in life, emotional problems, etc. Increase your stress-absorbing threshold to remain healthy and happy. *Avoid Unhealthy Environments, such as:
*Poor ventilation and natural lighting (get fresh air and natural sunlight daily) _Pollutions from air, electromagnetic radiations, water, noise, etc.
*Avoid the absorption of toxins into the body through: _Chemicalized drinks/foods e.g. preservatives, sweeteners, colorings, flavours, etc.
_Drinkable water containing chlorine and fluoride
_Lead in hair dye and petrol _Aluminum in aluminum foil paper, cooking/eating utensils, anti acid drugs, etc. _Mercury and hydroquinone in cosmetics (soaps and creams) _Nitrates and nitrites in meat processing and preservation of tin foods.
_Dangerous drugs e.g. tobacco, alcohol, coffee, kolanuts, hard drugs, drugs for penile erection, drug containing any synthetic hormones, etc.
*Choice of healthcare system: make your choices according to the following schedule that is based on scientific facts: _Western Medicine: best suited for traumas, some acute cases, emergency cases and some desirable surgery cases.
_Natural Medicine: best suited for degenerative and chronic diseases, organ failures, infertility/difficult childbirth, orthopaedic and bone fractures, sleep disorders, stress, blood disorders, Resistant infections, viral infections generally, mental/psychiatric cases, emotional disorders, etc.
Be smart and wise from today in choosing the right health care system for any illness and don’t allow yourself or your loved ones to die helplessly from ignorance and conservatism that is rampant in Nigeria today.
Finally and most importantly, recognize that:
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