On December 15, 2013 Senator Mike Enzi of Wyoming asked for and was granted permission to address the United States Senate for a few minutes to complain about the majority leader Senator Harry Reid, Presidential nominees, Obamacare and debt and the economy.
“Mr. President, we are here today dealing with a non-essential distraction from the issues our country should be dealing with. None of these nominees need to be confirmed right now. Rather, we should be dealing with the problems we see each day. I talked about two of the biggest problems we face last Wednesday: Obamacare and our debt and deficit. I want to expand on those matters and discuss some of the other things we should be addressing.”
“We are here today dealing with a non-essential distraction from the mounting Obamacare problems. None of these nominees need to be confirmed right now. Rather, we should be dealing with the problems we see each day of how the health care law will fail to live up to the promises made by the administration. We must repeal this law, because as these reports demonstrate, it is bad for consumers and bad for small businesses. The outcry of millions of people who lost health care plans they were told they could keep forced President Obama to admit that he broke his promise. He then announced a new initiative that he said would really allow people to keep their existing health insurance plans this time–for a short time”, he said.
See realted video: Enzi rails against Obamacare http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0amAoFhsRAc and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5EVPw31SINc
Senator Renzi sits on the powerful Committee on Budget, Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions.
“This isn’t true either because for one thing he doesn’t have the power under the Constitution to rewrite or ignore laws passed by Congress. It would also mean he would have to be willing to ignore a 2010 administration regulation that has prevented insurers from continuing to offer insurance for millions of individuals and small businesses. That’s right, at the same time the President was promising out of one side of his mouth that people could keep their health insurance, the other side was approving rules that would make that impossible. And everyone who was in the Senate at the time knew it. It was right there in the Federal Register and written by the President’s own administration. Congress knew and the administration knew the President was not telling the truth, but kept making the promise anyway”, said Senator Enzi (source: Congressional Record http://thomas.loc.gov/).
See video: Enzi wants to overturn Obamacare http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2tpEf7PqDXc